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Great people, great questions

There is absolutely nothing that can warm the cockles of a speaker’s heart — whatever cockles are and why you might find them in a heart — than an audience full of questions.

And that’s why this great big THANK YOU is going out to the genealogists of Cleveland, for a truly wonderful weekend.

First, it was standing room only Friday night at the Great Lake Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists for The ABCs of DNA. Understanding how the three big DNA tests can be used for genealogy can be a challenge, and the questions folks had were really focused.

Then yesterday, the Genealogical Committee of the Western Reserve Historical Society hosted an all-day affair called Genealogy and The Law, and it was truly wonderful.

The facility is stunning: a gorgeous museum and library that is a family historian’s dream. If the library’s books and manuscripts and microfilm and newspapers and-and-and aren’t enough to pull you in, the museum exhibits of antique cars and planes and even a calliope ought to do it.

And the room full of people — oh my. Four presentations — How Knowing The Law Makes Us Better Genealogists, Using Court Records To Tell the Stories of Our Ancestors’ Lives, Dowered and Bound Out: Widows and Orphans Under The Law, and Through the Golden Door: Immigration after the Civil War — and four wonderful sets of questions from top-notch folks expanding on the whole topic for everyone’s benefit.

A great day, a great venue, great questions and great people.

Thank you, Cleveland!