Thank you!!!!

First, the proof.

clock(a) The Legal Genealogist was up — awake, moving, okay, maybe also whining and whimpering — at oh-dark-thirty.

(You may not accept that I was actually out of bed at 5:36 a.m., but think about it: you have to be at least semi-awake to take a photograph of the clock at that hour.)

(b) It was in fact oh-dark-thirty. San Antonio is pitch black at 6:30 in the morning.

The sun didn’t come up this morning until after 7 a.m. You don’t have to believe me. You can look it up on the internet:


(c) Josh Taylor, Kenyatta Berry, Ed Donakey and I made it to the Alamo:


And what did this accomplish?

Thanks to the sponsorship of the genealogical community, we raised thousands and thousands of dollars for the Preserve the Pensions program.

These genealogically valuable fragile records of pension applications from the War of 1812 are being digitized through the generosity of folks like you, and they will be online, free, forever as a result.

And how much is “thousands and thousands”?

Every penny you contributed to sponsor me and the other walkers was matched by the Federation of Genealogical Societies, which is spearheading the Preserve the Pensions effort. Then that amount was matched by Ancestry. So every dollar contributed resulted in four dollars being available for the digitization effort.

As of 7 a.m. today, adding together the totals of all four walkers just from the online contributions, and not even counting the cash and checks contributed by attendees here at the 2014 FGS Conference in San Antonio, your support brought in $56,384.48 — enough to pay to digitize more than 120,000 pages of these records.

This community — this group of genealogists working together — rocks.

And yes, by the way, you can still contribute. Just pop on over to the Preserve the Pensions website and the donate page there and you can join the team in preserving the War of 1812 pensions.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.