Videos from I4GG now available

So you missed the first Institute for Genetic Genealogy (I4GG) near Washington, D.C., in August.

A first-ever gathering of more than 400 people who wanted to know more about DNA and its use in genealogical research, and who listened to the 30 or so presentations ranging through every type of DNA test and at every level from beginner to advanced.

Maybe you didn’t know about it in time to go. Maybe you couldn’t take the time. Maybe the budget just didn’t go that far.


I4GG.videoBecause it was terrific.

There was something there for everybody, no matter how much or how little we knew about genetic genealogy when we got there. It was absolutely electric.

But even if you didn’t make it to the institute, even if you have been kicking yourself for weeks, boy have the organizers got good news for you.

Because most of the presentations were videotaped and, despite a colossal set of technical difficulties,1 most of the videos are now available online.

For conference attendees, access to the videos is part of the conference price, and you should have gotten an email explaining how to access them.

But if you missed the conference…

You can still get to see much of what was presented.

And you can do it for a very very reasonable price.2

Access to the entire set of 27 videos can be purchased from the I4GG website for just $50 — and, though math isn’t The Legal Genealogist‘s main strength, that looks like something less than $2.00 each.

Or you can pick and choose among the 27 and buy access only to the ones you particularly want to see for $4.00 each.

Here’s what’s available — with the conference organizers’ estimate of the skill level for each:


• Anna Swayne — Workshop: Getting the most from AncestryDNA
• Larry Vick — Using Y-DNA to Reconstruct a Patrilineal Tree
• Debbie Parker Wayne — Mitochondrial DNA: Tools and Techniques for Genealogy
• Katherine Hope-Borges — International Society of Genetic Genealogists


• CeCe Moore — The Four Types of DNA Used in Genetic Genealogy


• Joanna Mountain, Christine Moschella — Workshop: Exploring All of 23andMe’s Genealogy Features
• Maurice Gleeson, Jim Bartlett, CeCe Moore, Janine Cloud — Family Tree DNA – Workshop: Exploring All Family Tree DNA Products by Maurice Gleeson (Y chromosome overview), Jim Bartlett (Family Finder/autosomal DNA), CeCe Moore (mitochondrial DNA overview), and Janine Cloud (other features)
• Terry Barton — Surname Project Administration
• Joanna Mountain — 23andMe Features
• Shannon Christmas — Identity by Descent: Using DNA to Extend the African-American Pedigree
• Julie Granka — AncestryDNA Matching: Large-Scale Findings and Technology Breakthroughs
• Razib Kahn — Tearing the Seamless Fabric, Ancestry as a Jigsaw Puzzle
• William Hurst — Mitochondrial DNA Focusing on Haplogroup K
• Blaine Bettinger — Using Free Third-Party Tools to Analyze Your Autosomal DNA
• Bonnie Schrack — Y chromosome Haplogroups A and B
• Ugo Perego — Native American Ancestry through DNA Analysis
• Rob Warthen, Karin Corbeil, Diane Harman-Hoog — Not Just for Adoptees – Methods and Tools for Working with Autosomal DNA from the Team at
• Maurice Gleeson — An Irish Approach to Autosomal DNA Matches
• Judy Russell — After the Courthouse Burns: Lighting Research Fires with DNA
• Rebekah Canada — Wanderlust – The Story of the Origins and Travels of mtDNA Haplogroup H through History and Scientific Literature


• Greg Magoon — “Next-gen” Y Chromosome Sequencing
• Kathy Johnston — From X Segments to Success Stories: The Use of the X Chromosome in Genetic Genealogy
• William Howard — Using Correlation Techniques on Y-Chromosome Haplotypes to Determine TMRCAs, Date STR Marker Strings, Surname Groups, Haplogroups and SNPs
• Tim Janzen — Using Chromosome Mapping to Help Trace Your Family Tree
• Thomas Krahn — I’ve Received My Y Chromosome Sequencing Results – What Now?
• David Pike — The Use of Phasing in Genetic Genealogy
• Doug McDonald — Understanding Autosomal Biogeographical Ancestry Results

Now, a brief warning: these are not movie-theater-quality videos. Think home movies and not crystal clarity. People walked in front of the cameras. The lighting wasn’t the best. The sound systems glitched on occasion.

But they are audible, you can make out what was being shown, and even with the technical issues it’s a whole lot better than not having any chance to be part of this at all.


  1. One of the hard drives to which presentations were saved was accidentally knocked off a table at the conference. The challenge of recovering those files isn’t something I even want to think about. Kudos to Lennart Martinsson for his technical skills!
  2. Truth in advertising: some additional compensation will be paid to speakers based on video access purchases. So I may personally benefit if you buy access to the video package or to my individual video. Just sayin’.