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BCG issues RFP

Are you a genuine bonafide genealogical techie? Someone who understands and lives and breathes website and graphic design and public branding?

Boy, does the Board for Certification of Genealogists® want you…

Here’s the deal.

WebThe BCG website ( was designed many years ago, with old-school tools and an old-school approach. It badly needs updating: redesign, reorganization, the whole works.

And, of course, the longer the web design grew in the tooth, the more out of synch it became with BCG print and other branding.

To the point where BCG has finally said, that’s enough. It’s time to leap forward into the 21st century.

So the Board has today issued a request for proposals for a complete makeover of its website and the graphical elements that allow for consistent branding across all platforms (web, print and more).

If you have the skills and the verve to take this challenge head on, or if you know someone who has the skills and verve, BCG definitely wants to hear about it.

Details are in the BCG blog post today: Website and Branding for the Twenty-First Century.