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The reef

The Legal Genealogist has no words to describe the Great Barrier Reef.

Oh, you can read all about it: one of the great wonders of the world, visible from space, and all that.

But it doesn’t begin to describe what it’s like to be there, and to see all the amazing things the reef has.

We had a day trip booked out to the outer reef from Green Island on this boat…

Once we got out there, it was truly beautiful…

And yes, actually, I did go in the water… more than once…

Because I didn’t have an underwater camera, I can’t begin to show what all I saw. Fish in colors that have to be seen to be believed. Coral in shades of pale pink and pale blue. Here’s what some of it looked like (image from a saltwater aquarium on Green Island):

And the experience of swimming along just above a green sea turtle is simply indescribable. Again, no camera at the reef, but from the aquarium:

So we then had to see it from the air, from one of these…

That’s Green Island from above.

The reef is simply amazing from any angle and in every direction.

From Green Island, it’s on to the mainland and a place called Kuranda…