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Summer sales underway

It’s Christmas in August again, with presents from the DNA testing companies.


It’s summer sale time again, and the offerings are pretty darned good.

2018 summer DNA sales

For the basic autosomal tests — the tests that look at the kind of DNA we all inherit from both parents and that helps us find cousins to work with on our genealogical research1 — there are sales at AncestryDNA, Family Tree DNA and MyHeritage DNA:

• At AncestryDNA, its $79 regular price on test kits has been reduced to $59 through August 20.

• At Family Tree DNA, its regular $79 price on Family Finder test kits has been reduced to $59, and its sale runs through August 30.

• At MyHeritage DNA, its regular $79 price on test kits has been reduced to $69, also through August 20.

And, of course, only Family Tree DNA offers YDNA and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA tests): YDNA tests for the kind of DNA that only men have and that’s passed from father to son to son so it tells us about our ancestry in our father’s father’s father’s line2; and mtDNA tests for the kind that we all have but that’s passed down from a mother to all of her children, and then passed down to the next generation only by the daughters. So it tells us about our ancestry in our mother’s mother’s mother’s line.3

And it has some great sale prices on those as well, with and without the Family Finder autosomal test at the same time.

Sale prices on YDNA tests and combinations — and remember, these are just for the guys because only males have YDNA — include:

YDNA test Regular price Sale price
Y-37 $169 $129
Big Y-500 $649 $499
Y-37 & Family Finder $248 $178
Y-67 & Family Finder $347 $317
Y-67 & Family Finder & Full Mitochondrial Sequence $546 $546
Upgrade, Y-12 to Y-37 $109 $69
Upgrade, Y-25 to Y-37 $59 $35
Upgrade, Y-37 to Y-67 $109 $69
Upgrade, Y-37 to Y-111 $228 $128
Upgrade, Y-67 to Y-111 $129 $89
Upgrade, Y-12 to Big Y-500 $629 $499
Upgrade, Y-25 to Big Y-500 $599 $499
Upgrade, Y-37 to Big Y-500 $569 $459
Upgrade, Y-67 to Big Y-500 $499 $399
Upgrade, Y-111 to Big Y-500 $499 $349

Sale prices on mitochondrial DNA tests — and these can be done by either men or women — include the Full Mitochondrial Sequence, normally $199 and on sale for $149, and the Full Mitochondrial Sequence plus the Family Finder autosomal test, regularly $278 and on sale for $198.


Christmas in August.


  1. See ISOGG Wiki (, “Autosomal DNA,” rev. 22 June 2018.
  2. ISOGG Wiki (, “Y chromosome DNA tests,” rev. 4 Dec 2016.
  3. ISOGG Wiki (, “Mitochondrial DNA tests,” rev. 8 Aug 2018.