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Dan Earl and Vivid-Pix throw an ongoing educational party

Do you really understand the interplay of the law and the Genealogical Proof Standard?

Wanna understand it better?

If this is something you’ve had on your list of things to learn when you got “a Round Tuit,” then join The Legal Genealogist, Dan Earl and Vivid-Pix for The Law and A Reasonably Exhaustive Search tomorrow night (Friday, April 10, 2020) at 8 p.m. Eastern time — part of the “Round Tuit” series sponsored by Vivid-Pix.

You can register — for a whopping $1.99 — here.

Vivd-Pix promo

If this particular topic doesn’t float your boat, check out all of the other terrific free and $1.99 sessions here, including (the dates are registration links):

• Kenyatta Berry on African American research (April 14th)
• Miya Jensen on Polynesian and Pacific Isles genealogy (April 17th)
• David Ryan on Irish genealogy (April 21st)
• Blaine Bettinger on genetic genealogy (April 24th)
• Rich Venezia on immigration records (April 28th)
• Katherine Schober on German church records (May 1st)
• Kirsty Gray on British genealogy (May 5th)
• Diahan Southard on DNA (May 8th)
• Peggy Lauritzen on migration trails to Ohio (May 12th)
• Amie Tennant on state census records (May 15th)
• Rick Voight of Vivid-Pix on restoring old photos and documents (May 19th)
• Maureen Taylor on photo organization (May 22nd)

And those that you may have missed — Katherine Willson on using Facebook for genealogy or Dear Myrtle and Cousin Russ on using Zoom — you can still watch those online too.

After all, we all now have some time on our hands… and what better use to make of it than learning some of the things we said we’d learn when we got a Round Tuit…

Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “Getting a Round Tuit education…,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 9 Apr 2020).