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No help (yet?) from YDNA

This Father’s Day, The Legal Genealogist intends to whyne.

No, that’s not a misspelling.

You see, the couple in this photo are my paternal great grandparents: my father’s father’s parents.

Emma and Hermann

On the left Emma Louisa Graumüller.

On the right Hermann Eduard Geissler.

They were married in Köstritz in what is now the German state of Thüringen on 22 June 1879.1

Emma was born 27 October 1855 in Köstritz. Baptized in the Lutheran church there on 4 November 1855.2 Her parents Johann Christoph Graumüller and Auguste Wilhemina Zimmermann had been married in that church in 1852.3 At the time of her wedding, her father was a deacon of the church there.

Hermann was born 20 April 1855 in Ossig bei Zeitz in what is now the German state of Sachsen-Anhalt. Baptized in the Lutheran church there on 21 April 1855.4

But — sigh — no marriage records for his parents.

Quite the contrary in fact.

The baptismal register records in exquisite detail that this bouncing baby boy was the first-born uneheliches kind (illegitimate child) of Friedrike Geisler.5

Nowhere — not even once — is there so much as a hint as to Hermann’s father.

Not in his birth record.

Not in his marriage record.

Not in his death record.6

And — sigh — not from the YDNA tests of his descendants, sons of the son of his son.

My brothers all match each other perfectly in their YDNA results, thank heavens. My paternal half-brother and my two full brothers who have tested are all 37-for-37 marker matches, my half-brother has SNP tested to place them all firmly in the E-V13 haplogroup, and the two who’ve tested at 67 markers have no matches closer than a genetic distance of seven.

That means their odds of sharing a common ancestor in that male line don’t even hit 10% until six to seven generations ago. The odds don’t hit 20% until the eight generation mark, and they don’t hit 50% until 12 generations back.7

Rough translation in plain English: nobody closely related to whoever was Hermann’s father has tested. No clues, at least not yet, and likely none until DNA testing is much more common in Germany.

Happy Father’s Day.


Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “A Father’s Day whyne…,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 20 June 2021).


  1. Kirchenbuch Bad Köstritz, Trauregister Seite 11 Nr. 11 aus 1879, Marriage Record of Hermann Edward Geissler and Emma Louisa Graumüller, 22 Jun 1879; digital image in possession of JG Russell).
  2. Ibid., Taufregister Seite 110 Nr. 52 aus 1855, Baptismal Record of Emma Louisa Graumüller, 4 Nov 1855; digital image in possession of JG Russell).
  3. Ibid., Trauregister Seite 434 Nr. 11 aus 1852, Marriage Record of Johann Christoph Graumüller and Auguste Wilhemina Zimmermann; digital image in possession of JG Russell).
  4. Evangelische Kirche Ossig (Kr. Zeitz), Taufregister 1855 nr. 4, Hermann Eduard Geisler, 21 Apr 1855; Kirchenbuchduplikat, 1799-1874 (Staatarchiv Magdeburg); digital images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 22 June 2019).
  5. Ibid. The spelling of the last name rotates among Geisler, Geissler and Geißler. We use Geissler today.
  6. Death Certificate, Nr. 645 (1933), Eduard Hermann Geisler; Standesamt Gera, 31 July 1933 (photocopy provided by Stadtarchiv Gera, 2011).
  7. Y-DNA TiP Report, run 20 June 2021, Family Tree DNA.