Me and the Neanderthals
So The Legal Genealogist just got around to taking a closer look at some of the “you have genes like (or unlike) the Neanderthals” reports over at 23andMe.
Um… right.
Just as I wouldn’t take the geoethnic estimates to the bank, I don’t think I’d bet the ranch on these trait reports either.
But they are fun.
Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “About those traits…,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 8 Aug 2021).
Judy, a few years ago I printed the 23&me traits and went thru the list – 2 pages!
About 85% were correct. I do have a fear of heights, and I prefer milk choc to dark, but will take either!!! etc. etc. There were a few that were way off – haven’t checked recently as I see little value in 23andme and rarely get any contact thru them.
It’s always fun to see what’s there — and what’s changed.
You made me laugh!
Take one look at this ol Baker head of mine, anything that ugly gotta have some of Nanderthal dirt in it
I’ve had fun with my Neanderthal report. It led me to a lot of interesting reading and research. I’ve gained respect for Neanderthals and other ancient hominins. My ancestors were Polish peasants – hard to trace back beyond the 18th century. I like the idea of having an identified(?) genetic pre-historic connection. So what if it’s very tenuous. My bucket list included a trip to the Neanderthal Museum
The one that got me was the trait that I am more likely to prefer vanilla to chocolate ice cream. Sorry, 23andMe, not a chance! As my Mom liked to say, she was born in a candy store, so I like to think I come by part of my chocoholic nature genetically. 🙂