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Speaking out to raise relief funds

It’s one of the greatest frustrations of modern times: knowing so much about what’s going on in the world… and being able to do so little about it.

And, like much of the world, The Legal Genealogist has been feeling just that frustration as the events have unfolded in Ukraine.

Watching naked aggression against a peaceful people. Witnessing the destruction. Seeing 10 million people, at last estimate, driven from their homes and lands with deliberate targeted attacks against civilians.

But at least now I can feel that — even though it is so little — there is that little I can do.

I’m joining with historians of all stripes, including academics and other family historians, to speak out to raise relief funds under the umbrella of History for Ukraine.

History for Ukraine graphic

The brainchild of a team of folks led by British genealogist Natalie Pithers, this 24-hour livestreamed event to be held this weekend — March 26-27 — brings together a wide variety of speakers from all over the world to teach about history and genealogy in general — while giving those who tune in the chance to donate to the DEC Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal, administered by the British Red Cross.

Confirmed speakers include lots of folks the genealogical community will know such as, from Down Under, Michelle Patient and Fiona Brooker; from the United States, in addition to yours truly, D. Joshua Taylor, Annette Burke Lyttle, Blaine Bettinger, and Amy Johnson Crow; and from the UK and Europe, Dave Annal, Professor Kate Williams and Earl Charles Spencer.

As the website explains:

History For Ukraine is like Live Aid for history lovers. We’ve curated a stellar line-up of leading historians and genealogists from all over the world, and over 24 hours, they’ll be live-streaming their talks for your entertainment.

There’s no charge to watch, and throughout the live stream, we’ll be inviting you to donate to our JustGiving page, with all funds being passed to the British Red Cross Society’s DEC Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal.

You get a history fix, AND the opportunity to do something positive for the people of Ukraine.

There’s lots more information on the History for Ukraine website, and you can follow announcements on Twitter at The whole thing will be livestreamed across social media, with a recommendation that folks watch via the History for Ukraine YouTube channel.

The entire event is free to watch. Speakers are donating their time and expertise. All we ask is that you give what you can to help relieve the suffering of the people of Ukraine. And yes, of course, you can donate now, through the History for Ukraine JustGiving page. Every penny goes to the relief fund.

The 24-hour event will begin at noon on Saturday, March 26, UK time. That’s 8 a.m. EDT, 7 a.m. CDT, 6 a.m. MDT, and 5 a.m. PDT here in the United States. And it will run for 24 hours. The complete schedule of speakers and topics will be on the website soon (my own will be one of my favorite talks, “The Rest of the Story”).

Tune in for some. Tune in for all.

But join in, no matter what, in relieving suffering in Ukraine, by contributing what you can.

It’s the little we can do to help.

Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “History for Ukraine,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 21 Mar 2022).