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Upcoming presentations

It’s been a busy summer for The Legal Genealogist, and that’s not changing any time soon.

Between individual presentations, institute courses and — sigh — some very long overdue repairs on my house where a contractor suddenly wanted to start early, it’s been a bit crazed around here.

But at least for the genealogy events, and of course those events that aren’t institute courses, as always I want to invite you to come along, to the extent possible, on the trip…

Here’s an overview of what’s coming up in August, and we’ll go ahead and take a peek at September.

August-September 2022

August 2022

Saturday, 6 August, 9 a.m.-3:45 p.m. EDT: The Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland, Ohio is hosting an all day event: Researching African American Ancestors: A Virtual Seminar. There will be six speakers presenting on a variety of topics; my own presentation, From 1619 to Juneteenth – Slavery and the Law Before the Civil War, is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. For more information, check out the seminar website for full details and, to register, click on the text “Get Your Tickets Today!” on that page.

Monday-Friday, 8-12 August: The Genealogical Institute on Federal Records gets underway virtually and I’m honored to be teaching on federal courts and their records in two sessions: Making a Federal Case Out of It and Busted, Bankrupt, Banged Up: The Stories in Federal Court Records.

Wednesday, 10 August, noon NZST (9 August 9 p.m. EDT): The Auckland (NZ) Council Libraries and the Genealogical Computing Group SIG of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists are hosting the virtual presentation Of Delinquents and Common Scolds: Women, Children and Criminal Justice as a pre-expo event for the Auckland Family History Expo 2022. Check the event page for more information.

Friday, 12 August, through Sunday, 14 August, NZST: The Auckland Family History Expo 2022 officially gets underway with my presentation Suffer the Little Children at Friday, 12 August, 6 p.m. NZST (2 a.m. EDT). Then on Saturday and Sunday (New Zealand time), I’ll be one of 13 international and local speakers (some presenting in person and some virtually). My own presentations are on Saturday, 13 August, Copyright Mythconceptions at 10 a.m. NZST (Friday 6 p.m. EDT), and DNA and the Golden Rule: The Law and Ethics of Genetic Genealogy at noon NZST (Friday 8 p.m. EDT), and then on Sunday, 14 August, That Scoundrel George at 10 a.m. NZST (Saturday 6 pm EDT), and No, no Nanette! What negative evidence is … and isn’t at noon NZST (Saturday 8 p.m. EDT). Check the event page for more information.

Friday and Saturday, 19-20 August: The Southern California Genealogical Society’s Genetic Genealogy 2022 virtual conference, part of Jamboree 2022, gets going with talks from more than 20 speakers. My own presentation, When Enough Is Enough, is scheduled for Saturday, 20 August, at 11:15 a.m. PDT (2:15 p.m. EDT). To register and for more information, see the Genetic Genealogy 2022 event page.

Thursday, 25 August, 6 p.m. CDT (7 p.m. EDT): The Emily Fowler Central Library in Denton, Texas, is hosting the virtual presentation “Don’t Forget the Ladies!” — A Genealogist’s Guide to Women and the Law. Watch the library’s events page for more information.

Friday and Saturday, 26-27 August: The Genealogy Jamboree 2022 from the Southern California Genealogical Society will feature live and recorded talks from 47 international speakers. My presentation, Follow the Money! Records of the Record Makers, can be viewed starting on the 27th through October 31. To register and for more information, see the Genealogy Jamboree 2022 event page.

Saturday, 27 August, 10 a.m. CDT (11 a.m. EDT): The Northwest Suburban Genealogy Society in Mt. Prospect, Illinois, is hosting the virtual presentation Who in the World was Paul Knop? Building a Family through Circumstantial Evidence. To register and for more information, see the event page.

September 2022

Tuesday, 6 September, 7 p.m. EDT: The Kentucky Genealogical Society is hosting the virtual presentation Inventing America: Records of the US Patent Office. To register and for more information, see the event page.

Starting Thursday, 8 September, through Saturday, 10 September: The New York State Family History Conference returns in person in Albany and on demand for home viewers under the sponsorship of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. I’ll be presenting both From Pirates to Sunken Ships: New York’s Federal Court Records and When Worlds Collide: Resolving Conflicts in Genealogical Records. To register and for more information, see the event page.

Friday, 16 September: Legacy Family Tree Webinars is hosting its virtual Webtember event and my own new presentation, Using Google Books to Find the Law, will be one of the day’s events at 11:30 a.m. EDT. To register and for more information, see the webinar page.

Saturday, 17 September, and Sunday, 18 September: The Seattle Genealogical Society is hosting its virtual Fall Seminar, and I’ll be doing four presentations over the two days: What’s in a Name: Name Changes and the Law, “No Person Shall … Gallop Horses In the Streets” – Using Court Records To Tell the Story of our Ancestors’ Lives, No Vitals? No Problem! – Building a Family through Circumstantial Evidence: A Family for Isabella, and Copyright Mythconceptions. Registration information will be upcoming soon on the society’s event page.

Starting Saturday, 17 September, through Monday, October 17: The Fox Valley Genealogy Society in Naperville, Illinois, is hosting its virtual Fall Conference, Researching Women: Frontier to Kitchen to Courtroom, with six on-demand presentations, including my “Don’t Forget the Ladies!” — A Genealogist’s Guide to Women and the Law. To register and for more information, see the event page.

Wednesday, 21 September, 8 p.m. EDT: The APG Writers Special Interest Group is hosting the virtual presentation Fair Use & Foul Balls: Copyright for Genealogical Writers. Members of the SIG will receive information directly.

Wednesday, 21 September, through Saturday, 24 September: The Association of Professional Genealogists is hosting its 2022 Professional Management Conference in a virtual format, focusing on How to Pivot: Genealogy in a Changing World. I’ll be one of 24 speakers over the two days, and my presentations are Naming Names: Trademarking that Business on Friday, 23 September, at 3:00 p.m. EDT, and The Nightmare Presenter, or How NOT to Present Online on Saturday, 24 September, at 9 a.m. EDT. To register and for more information, see the PMC conference page.

Saturday, 24 September, 1 p.m. EDT: The New Jersey Daughters of the American Revolution will meet for its conference in Monroe, New Jersey, and I’ll be giving the luncheon talk, The Rest of the Story.

Monday, 26 September, 7 p.m. EDT: The New Bern-Craven County (NC) Public Library is hosting the virtual presentation Property Rights and Wrongs–African-Americans at the Courthouse. Register at the New Bern Library’s Kellenberger Room desk, by calling 252-638-7818, or emailing the

Thursday, 29 September, through Saturday, 1 October: The Montana State Genealogical Society is hosting its Annual Conference at Fairmont. Rich Venezia and I will be presenting over the two days, and my presentations are “No Person Shall … Gallop Horses In the Streets” – Using Court Records To Tell the Story of our Ancestors’ Lives, Putting Those Records to Work, DNA and the Hidden Half of the Family, and After the Courthouse Burns: Rekindling Family History through DNA. To register and for more information, see the conference event page.

Come on out and join us, if you can, for one or more of these events and note, in many cases, that registration will be free or at a reduced cost to members of the host society — and some are limited to members only… There are some reaaaaaaally good reasons for joining genealogical societies… Just sayin’…

Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “Coming up: August-September 2022,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 1 August 2022).