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American Ancestors free through July 17

Sometimes there’s a freebie offer that drops in a genealogist’s lap that just too good to be missed.

And The Legal Genealogist thinks this is one of those.

You see, there are 453 databases available for online research at American Ancestors, the online home of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS).1

That’s 453 opportunities to find clues to critical missing links in our research, in collections ranging from Alabama: Deaths, 1908-1974, to Worcester, VT: Vital Records, 1817-1858.

That’s 453 more opportunities than most of us had when we woke up this morning.

And for the “price” of signing up for a guest membership, we can access those databases — free — through Tuesday, July 17th.

American Ancestors

NEHGS made the free offer on the website with this invitation:

Have some fun out of the sun this summer!

American Ancestors is granting FREE access to all online databases—highlights include our early New England collections (including the world’s largest Mayflower database) and Boston’s Catholic records from 1789 to 1900 —from now through Tuesday, July 17th.

You can use your free guest membership to search more than 1.4 billion names on this week. Family history is every bit as fun as a vacation on the beach—pass the word!2

A lot of the databases are, of course, focused on New England resources — things like the collection entitled Boston, MA: Smallpox Inoculation Census W. District, Ward 7, 1824, or the one called Westfield, MA: Baptisms Performed in the Church of Christ, 1679-1836.

But many are from elsewhere in the United States — those Alabama deaths, for example — or elsewhere around the world, like Barbados: Baptisms, 1739-1891.

So if you’ve ever wanted a chance to test-drive a membership in NEHGS, and the rich databases members can access every day, this is it.

Remember: it’s good only through July 17th, so don’t delay.

This really is a freebie offer not to be missed.


  1. Database List A-Z,” American Ancestors ( : accessed 11 July 2018).
  2. Ibid., “Free Access to ALL Databases on”