Available on DNA Painter to non-subscribers
Okay, okay, so The Legal Genealogist jumped the gun a little.
Back in July, I wrote about a cool new tool from DNA Painter that allows us to create a family tree — including by way of uploading a GEDCOM file — and turns it into a wonderful chart form that helps us identify where we have gaps in our tree completeness.1
The tool presents the tree data in tree (pedigree) format, in a fan chart format, or in text format. We can color code various lines with our own colors, highlight specific lines to focus on or see how DNA could have been inherited in those lines, add notes for our research, and — critically — see where we have gaps in our research and need to step up our game to make our trees as complete as possible so DNA analysis is more reliable.
It’s a truly wonderful tool, and some of the early shortcomings like the ability to convert GEDCOM files with names that have umlauts and other special characters have been fixed.
So everybody ought to be using this.
Except — sigh — when I wrote about this back in July, I hadn’t paid enough attention to the fact that, at the time, it was still in beta testing and only available to paid subscribers.
Fear not: it is available now, for subscribers and non-subscribers alike.
Those with a free DNA Painter account can have one tree for free to go along with their one free DNA Painter profile. Those of us who think DNA Painter is about the next best thing to sliced bread and subscribed the minute it became a subscription service can have as many as 50 trees to go along with our 50 profiles. And breaking maternal and paternal trees into two for each of the profiles we manage is a really nice way of organizing these.
So shelling out the $30 for six months or $55 for a year is a small price to pay for the utility of being able to see all of the issues with our tree completeness for ourselves and for the profiles we manage — not to mention supporting a terrific tool and its future development.
For more information about the new trees tool at DNA Painter, check out the Trees tools page. For more information about DNA Painter overall, there’s a Help page with lots of FAQs. And to subscribe — c’mon, it’s just $30 for six months or $55 for a year and you know you want to… — check out the Subscribe page.
Tree charts for all, now, at DNA Painter.
Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “Tree charts for all,” The Legal Genealogist (https://www.legalgenealogist.com/blog : posted 25 Aug 2019).
- See Judy G. Russell, “Filling in the blanks,” The Legal Genealogist, posted 28 July 2019 (https://www.legalgenealogist.com/blog : accessed 25 Aug 2019). ↩
FYI, to see results of setting “mark as a genetic ancestor” question to yes, use “DNA filters” in upper left under tree/fan/text buttons.
(Maybe I would’ve noticed this faster, if I hadn’t excitedly started with this on my tiny phone screen at Starbucks this morning …)