History for Ukraine videos online
The History for Ukraine event this past weekend was simply amazing, and The Legal Genealogist is so proud to have been able to contribute a small part to its success.
In all, 48 talks on topics ranging from why we do family history to DNA to sexuality in royal families and so so so much more were offered, free, by historians, academics and genealogists in a Live Aid-type program to raise funds for relief for the people of Ukraine.
Everything went as smoothly as it might have. Technical glitches were few, the donation site stayed up, and by this morning the effort is closing in on $60,000 US (more than £44,600), going directly to the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, which is run by the British Red Cross Society (you can read more about this charity here if you have any concerns).
It was only afterwards that the glitch hit.
A company with apparent ties to Russia filed a copyright claim with respect to a 37-second World War II-era video clip that the event organizers had permission to show. And that led to one of the videos being taken off of the YouTube platform being used to host them so folks who couldn’t tune in live can still see them and choose to contribute.
Event organizer Natalie Pithers wasn’t fazed. The videos have all been moved now to the History for Ukraine website, and you can still catch up on anything you missed on the catch-up page — and still donate at the JustGiving page.
To get to the videos, you can click on the image above, or click on this link to Watch Recordings on the website.
My own talk, “The Rest of the Story,” is right at the beginning of part 3 of the videos. And there’s so much more — take a look at the schedule online for the topics. Part 1 starts with Earl Charles Spencer and his talk, “The White Ship”; Part 2, with Professor Suzannah Lipscomb and her talk, “How Can We Recover The Lost Lives of Women”; Part 3 with my “The Rest of the Story”; and part 4 with Shauna Hicks, and her talk “A Look at Ukrainian People in Australia”.
The videos will only be up for a short time — the commitment to the speakers was for 48 hours. So don’t lose out on some fascinating talks.
And more importantly… in this time of international trouble, there’s often little an individual can do. But this is something we can do: tune in, learn, and give.
Cite/link to this post: Judy G. Russell, “Catching up,” The Legal Genealogist (https://www.legalgenealogist.com/blog : posted 28 Mar 2022).
FYI, my American bank credit card flagged the charge as potential fraud since it went to a British charity site. They called to confirm that I actually made the charge. All good!
The lineup was impressive, the talks were informative, interesting, outstanding, and more. I probably did in my budget this month contributing several times, but I have a warm apartment, a comfortable bed, food in my freezer, frig, and pantry, phones that work, etc. A humbling experience. And it continues…