Life’s still crazy…
Remember when The Legal Genealogist was under the impression that the contractors in the house would be finished last week?
You all knew better, didn’t you?
I should have, too.
But nope.
Not yet.
Soon, I hope, and that’s the best I can say.
So… many of you have asked: how’s the cat doing?
Well, he was finally all settled in at the hotel where we’d been banished to allow the workers unfettered access without us underfoot.
Then I brought him home for a few days, but into a still-unsettled-not-what-he’s-used-to environment.
So at the moment he’s yowling at me.
And — sigh — tonight we’re back at the hotel for a few days while what I hope is the last of the messy work is done.
Note the word “hope” there.
Thanks for sticking with me during this…
Been there, done that and yes, frustrating to say the least but necessary in some circumstances. With a lil bit of luck, back home shortly and it will feel like home sweet home and Mr. Cat will definitely not be happy with something, but that’s just cats. They do not like their applecarts upset.