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Giving it away

One of the most amazing things about living in the 21st century is how much we are being given, absolutely free.

Think about it.

haikuOn Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, the U.S. National Archives gave us — absolutely free — more than a dozen presentations on records and research available through the National Archives and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service.

On Wednesday of last week, Legacy Family Tree Webinars gave us — absolutely free — a presentation by Linda Woodward Geiger, CG, CGL, on Getting the Most from Your Records: Putting Them Through the Wringer!

Tonight, at 9 p.m. EDT, 8 p.m. CDT, the Illinois State Genealogical Society is offering a webinar — absolutely free — where somebody else with the CG and CGL credentials is presenting โ€œTo the Honorable, the General Assemblyโ€ – The Treasure Trove in Legislative Petitions.

(Who’s doing that one again? Oh, yeah. The Legal Genealogist. Join me! Register here.)

So sometimes it comes as a shock when there’s something we really really want — and it’s not free. Whaddaya mean, I can only see that record if I buy a world subscription? Whaddaya mean, I can’t have that pension file unless I fork over $50? Whaddaya mean, you’re going to charge me $1 a page to copy that 100-page estate file?


Sometimes the best things in life aren’t free.


So maybe I can do just a little something, at least for one person, when it comes to one thing that isn’t free. That’s the Family Tree University 2013 Fall Virtual Conference, coming up this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

There’s a ton of material being offered, including 16 half-hour video classes in technology, research strategies and ethnic research tracks, plus live chats, and even some give-away goodies, all in the comfort of your own home, at your own computer, without even changing out of your bunny slippers.

But… sigh… it’s not free. Conference registration is $199.

Except for one person.

That’s right, I’ve been allowed to sprinkle pixie dust on one person who wants to go to this Virtual Conference. And that one person will get the full registration… free.

And all you have to do is tell me why you want to go, and convince me yours is the best reason.

Only one catch.

You have to post it in the comments to this blog post (or email it to me — that’s legalgenealogist (at) in case the link doesn’t work), not later than 11:59 p.m. EDT tomorrow, Wednesday, 11 September 2013. The winner will be notified Thursday.

Oh. One more thing.

It has to be in haiku.

Whaddaya mean, you don’t remember the rules of haiku? We all learned them in school. It’s a poem in three lines and a total of 17 syllables. Five syllables for the first line. Seven for the second line. Five for the third line.

You know you want to.
Bunny slippers not required.
Choose your reason well.