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Decisions, decisions…

Um… er… well…

The Legal Genealogist has a confession to make.

winnerUm… er… well…

I couldn’t pick a winner of the haiku contest.

I mean, seriously, did you read those entries?

There were at least a dozen that were right up there in contention, and picking just one? Yikes! I was going ’round in circles.

So I whined. And Family Tree University gave me a second registration to the Family Tree University 2013 Fall Virtual Conference to give as a prize.

Now that didn’t make it all that much easier, trust me. But I think you’ll agree with me that the winners are folks who really should be going to this virtual conference.

Without further ado, the winners of the send-me-to-the-conference haiku contest:

Barbara Gallagher

Bound to a wheelchair,
It is so hard to travel.
I want to learn more!

Tina Forsyth

Adopted, age ten.
Now 10 children of my own.
Need to build our tree.

Congratulations to both… See you online this weekend!

Image courtesy of use Ehecatl1138,