If you’re a male with the name Faure, Fore or Ford, and you’ve documented your descent from the Faure family of Manakin Town, Virginia, I want your DNA. If you know a male with the name Faure, Fore or Ford, with documented descent from the Faure family of Manakin Town, Virginia, please tell him I want his DNA. If you’re associated with any Huguenot society anywhere in the universe and you’re even acquainted with a male with the name Faure, Fore or Ford, with documented descent from the Faure family of Manakin Town, Virginia, please tell him I want his DNA.
Just a little bit of it. It won’t hurt, I promise, and I’ll even pay for the DNA testing.
Saturdays around The Legal Genealogist are for my family, and the Faure/Fore/Ford question is one of my most perplexing brick walls. Now, having said that, truth be told, I know a lot about my 3rd great grandfather Jesse Fore. He was a fifer in Captain Michael Gaffney’s Company of South Carolina Militia in the War of 1812.1 He married his first wife Nancy in Buncombe County, North Carolina, in 1815.2 He was in Buncombe County for the 1830 census,3 in Union County, Georgia, in 1840,4 and Pulaski County, Kentucky, with Nancy in 1850.5
In 1851, he filed a bounty land application based on his 1812 war service.6 In 1855, he married widow Sarah Nicks in Union County, Georgia.7 He and Sarah were in Bledsoe County, TN in 18608 and can’t be located on the 1870 census. Jesse died in Warren County KY on 16 Jul 1872.9 I even know what Jesse’s YDNA haplogroup was — R1b1a2 — based on the testing of a great great grandson from Texas in 2008.10
There are, of course, a few minor little details about Jesse that I’d still live to find out. You know… those inconsequential details like … oh … where was he born? Who were his parents? How was it that he felt free to marry Sarah Nicks in 1855 when his first wife Nancy didn’t die, in Parker County, Texas, until 1882?11 As I said, details.
Now I’m not going to pretend I’ve mined every last record out there that might help me track Jesse back. I’m a long way from satisfying the Genealogical Proof Standard12 — or myself — as to Jesse’s ancestry. But given the record losses in South Carolina,13 I sure wouldn’t mind taking just a little shortcut here and trying to leapfrog him back to the family I think he was part of: the Faure family which, with other French Huguenots, settled in Manakin Town, Virginia, around 1700.14 If I could make that link, then even if I don’t ever pick up more of a trail to go backwards from Jesse, I’d at least have a clue where to start — to go forwards from Manakin Town to Jesse.
And all I need is just a little bit of DNA. Not much. No needles, no blood, not even any spitting. Just a swab rubbed on the inside of a cheek of just one documented male direct-line descendant of the Manakin Town Faures. Just one male Faure, or Fore, or even Ford who’s got the paper trail my Jesse didn’t leave to his descendants.
I’ll handle all the testing details. I’ll pay for the test. Nobody else will even get your email address if you’d rather not give it out. Nobody else — not even the testing company — has to have your address.
So… c’mon, all you Faures, Fores and Fords with that paper trail. C’mon. You know you want to…
- Michael Gaffney Diary, 1797-1853, transcribed and edited by Henry Gaffney, 1894; file 02887-z , Southern Historical Collection; Louis Wilson Library, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. ↩
- Declaration of Soldier, 27 March 1871, Jesse Fore (Fifer, Capt. Gaffney’s South Carolina Militia, War of 1812), soldier’s pension application no. 4553, certificate no. 7041; Case Files of Pension and Bounty Land Applications Based on Service Between 1812 and 1855; Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1960; Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15; National Archives, Washington, D.C. Note that although Jesse named her as “Sallie” in that declaration, it was his second wife Sarah who was called “Sallie.” ↩
- 1830 U.S. census, Buncombe County, North Carolina, p. 254 (stamped), line 6, Jesse Fore household; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 12 May 2004); citing National Archive microfilm publication M19, roll 118; imaged from Family History Library (FHL) microfilm 18084. ↩
- 1840 U.S. census, Union County, Georgia, population schedule, p. 13 (stamped), line 2, Jesse Fore household; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 5 May 2004); citing National Archive microfilm publication M704, roll 52; imaged from FHL microfilm 7048. ↩
- 1850 U.S. census, Pulaski County, Kentucky, population schedule, Division 1, p. 7 (back) (stamped), dwelling 106, family 106, Jesse Fore household; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 20 March 2007); citing National Archive microfilm publication M432, roll 217. ↩
- Affidavit of Claimant, 4 Jan 1851, Jesse Fore War of 1812 pension no. 4553, RG 15, NA-Washington. His affidavit in support of the bounty land warrant was attested to in part by his son, William M. Fore, then Clerk of the Pulaski County Court. ↩
- Affidavit of Claimant, 3 May 1879, Sarah Fore, widow’s pension application no. 36249, certificate no. 25298, service of Jesse Fore (Fifer, Capt. Gaffney’s South Carolina Militia, War of 1812); Case Files of Pension and Bounty Land Applications Based on Service Between 1812 and 1855; Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1960; Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15; National Archives, Washington, D.C. ↩
- 1860 U.S. census, Bledsoe County, Tennessee, Pikeville Post Office, population schedule, p. 50 (penned), dwelling 352, family 352, Jesse Four household; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 27 Jan 2012); citing National Archive microfilm publication M653, roll 1240; imaged from FHL microfilm 805240. ↩
- Affidavit of Claimant, 3 May 1879, Sarah Fore widow’s pension application no. 36249, War of 1812, RG-15; NA-Washington ↩
- Kit 132424, Ford Surname DNA Project, Family Tree DNA (http://www.familytreedna.com/public/Ford/default.aspx?section=yresults : accessed 27 Jan 2012. ↩
- Baker Cemetery (Baker Community, Parker County, Texas; on Baker Road approximately four miles south of the intersection with Doyle Road, Latitude 323503N, Longitude 0974338W), Nancy C. Four marker; photograph by J.G. Russell, 3 May 2003. ↩
- Board for Certification of Genealogists, “The Genealogical Proof Standard” (http://www.bcgcertification.org/resources/standard.html : accessed 3 Jan 2012) ↩
- Janis Walker Gilmore, Research in South Carolina, NGS Research in the States series (Arlington, Virginia : National Genealogical Society, 2011). ↩
- See generally R.A. Brock, editor, Documents Relating to the Huguenot Emigration to Virginia and to the Settlement at Manakin-Town (Richmond : Virginia Historical Society, 1886); digital images, Google Books (http://books.google.com : accessed 27 Jan 2012). ↩
I’ve documented my Fore line back to the birth of my GGF#6 Richard Fore 1750-1817, but I’m looking for a connection to Mankintown. We believe his father was a Daniel Fore from Nash county N.C. I’m familiar with your Jesse Fore as he is also an ancestor of several Fore’s I know in Buncombe Co. I’d love to give you my DNA. I’d like to hear all about your program.
Ooooh… check your email. Let’s chat about this…
I can trace my Fore ancesters back to Richard Fore also. I have never been able to trace further back because I can’t seem to find his father. Daniel is a family name and I’ve never looked at him. any help would be appreciated. I am on Ancestry.com and GEDmatch.
Our Fore family seems to lend itself to these challenges, doesn’t it???
If you need any DNA I have 2 brothers. Would love to know if we are related to widow Faure.
So would we, Cherry! The problem is in finding a documented male line descendant of those Manakin Town Faures.
My grandmother was a FORE/FAURE. Our (Huguenot) Fore/Faure family was from Manakin Town VA. My 3xgrandfather, Archealius Manson Fore/Faure was born in Manakin Town. I have my FORE line back to the Widow Faure. I have male cousins with the last name of Fore. Are you still on this quest to find DNA from Fores? If so I will speak to my cousins.
Good luck,
Beverly Levi
Beverly, I would absolutely LOVE to see what you have on your line and anything that might help tie this together. I’m sending you an email to follow up! Thank you SO much!
Hi Judy. Hope you’re still doing research on your Fores! In an earlier note to you I mentioned that My grandmother, Mary O. Fore, left some history notes on her Fore family. I found the original notes. In them she mentions that her grandfather, Archealaus Manson Fore, had a brother named Jesse who was raised in Buncombe County, NC. She said he owned the house where his brother, Arch Manson Fore’s family lived. When Jesse sold the house he “threw them out”, as my grandmother put it. Her notes go on to say that Jesse went to Texas. This Jesse would have been the son of my ancestor, Archealus Fore, born in Manakintown and settled in Buncombe County, NC. All the Fores in Western, NC are descendants of Archealus. I really believe your Jesse is brother of A. Manson and the son of old Archealus!
Interesting, and I’d dearly love to have a copy of the notes.
Me again – Beverly. I believe your Jesse was my grandmother’s Uncle. She left some written history about him. Don’t have my records in front of me, but if I remember correctly Jesse was a son of Archelaus Manson Faure/Fore from Manakin Town. Archelaus was the son of Peter Fore and Marie Gaudwin of Manakin Town. I am from Henderson County (Old Buncome County) in NC where Archelaus and several of his descendants settled.
Oh, forgot to mention: If you’re still interested in the Fore DNA, I have two male cousins who are direct descendants of Archaelaus Fore who was born in Manakintown.
The issue is not the Fore DNA. It’s proving that your cousins are direct descendants of the Manakintown Fores. That’s where I’d like to see the documentation.
I am a descendant of Widow Faure (aka Mary Ann Chastain) of Manakin. Autosomal and Y-DNA tests for my paternal uncle and myself are available for comparison. The autosomal test has matched with other Faure descendants.
Widow Faure (Mary Ann Chastain)(c1652-1700) is 8th great grandmother of Steven James Coker
Elizabeth Faure daughter of Mary Ann Chastain
Jean Jane Morriset daughter of Elizabeth Faure
Charles Amonett son of Jean Jane Morriset
Jean Amonett daughter of Charles Amonett
William Buddin (1801-1845) son of Jean Amonett
Susan Ann Buddin (1834-1909) daughter of William Buddin
James Myers Coker Jr (1857-1925) son of Susan Ann Buddin
Frederick Townsend Coker Sr (1889-1971) son of James Myers Coker Jr
James Francis Coker (1923-1988) son of Frederick Townsend Coker Sr
Steven James Coker son of James Francis Coker
Thanks so much for that Steve, but the only match I see is between Carolyn Stewart Bell and my Fore cousin. Moreover, we really need a direct line male descendant for YDNA testing. In autosomal testing, you would be an 8th cousin or so, your uncle a 7th cousin, and the odds of having enough DNA to match are very small. It’s not impossible, of course, but matching wouldn’t prove the Faure connection (we’d have to rule out all other possible lines) and not matching doesn’t disprove it. The one thing that’s reasonably certain to give us the answers we need is the direct male line.
AncestryDNA tests on Ancestry.com.
SJCoker is Steven James Coker, a Faure descendant.
F. C. (Administered by SJCoker), a Faure descendant.
M. C. (Administered by SJCoker)
D. S. (Administered by SJCoker)
C. S. (Administered by SJCoker)
G. S. (Administered by SJCoker)
D. D. (Administered by SJCoker)
FC is my paternal uncle Fred T. Coker Jr, a Faure descendant.
MC is my mom Mellie Rae Ramsay Coker.
GS is my maternal aunt Genell Ramsay Smith.
DS is my maternal cousin Deborah Smith.
CS is my Dad’s 1st cousin Carolyn Stewart Bell.
DD is David Randolph DuBose.
DNA at http://www.familytreedna.com/
Kit#: 141217 Steven James Coker, a Faure descendant.
Kit#: 197959 Fred T. Coker Jr, a Faure descendant.
Kit#: 211781 Mellie Rae Ramsay
Kit#: 236537 Genell Lottie Smith
Kit#: 266032 Carolyn Stewart Bell
http://gedmatch.com/ kits are:
Fred Coker F197959. GEDCOM 6887933, a Faure descendant.
Steve Coker C327832, M103607. GEDCOM 3443146, a Faure descendant.
Mellie Rae Coker C639503, M102245. GEDCOM 3136261, 1789294.
You can also find DNA on 23andme.com for me, mom, and Aunt Nel.
Hello. Well, yes, I am in a direct paternal line from Daniel Faure, husband of Mary Chastain – the Widow Faure. Is this of interest to your search?
Absolutely positively yes it is. Please check your email.
Does my ancestor Christopher Ford 1728-1790 of Amelia County Va. count as a descendant of the Manikintown Fords? His sisters married into the Dejarnette and Dupuy lines.
Do we have a straight male line descendant of this Christopher, Michael? (He may be a Manakintown Faure descendant — but the paper trail isn’t perfect.)
We don’t have Christopher Fords parents, he was born c 1730 and died in Amelia Co., Va. c.1789. Earliest records of Christopher was in York and Charles City Wiliamsburg Va, c 1754 where was part owner of Anthony Hays Cabinetmaking shop. He was also and architect. His descendants were Zachary Daniel, Andrew Jackson, James Robert, and Ida Elizabeth my great grandmother. These descendants lived in Amelia, County, Va., Smith County, Tennessee, and Independence/Stone County Arkansas
Please email me at. Comforthomes@bellsouth.net.
I too am a direct descendant of Christopher Ford. My Grandfather was James Robert Ford. I would like to compare our information and share if we can
Lisa Ford Heckel
christopher Ford
Lisa I cant get thru send me an e mail at mef1francis@yahoo.com
Michael I have found some records of Dupy in Manakin.
My mother was a Ford, my Huguenot ancestors settled in that area of Virginia in (I believe)1703. My niece, who spent years tracing the family, is excited; says she can verify this for you, and certainly you may have my DNA sample.
David, this sounds great except… you’d need to be a Ford on your FATHER’S side, not your mother’s. The problem is that we need a YDNA sample, and that comes down only through the father-to-son-to-son line. Do you have an uncle or male cousin on the Ford side we could ask to test?
I believe my husband descended from this group of Fords. Furthest I can trace is James Daniel Ford (he went by Daniel) b. 1790 in Virginia. Married Agatha Walker in SC. I haven’t been able to connect them to the Faure family yet but am working on it. These Fords also were some of the founding families of Henry County, GA
We should get your husband tested, Ashley — it might add more data points to this quest!
I am a descendant of Christopher Ford of Amelia County. I have as well suspected he was a early settler of Manakintown with his sisters both marrying into the known French Huguenots, the close proximity to his homestead to other known Huguenots and records that show them as being witnesses to legal documents pertaining to each other. I had my brother submit his DNA this past year and is recorded on family tree DNA site. His I’d number is 297447. He has since passed away however he does have a son that could provide DNA. Christopher ford was my brother and my ggggrandfather. His descendants moved thru Tennessee to ark to Texas. Let me know if I can help in anyway or if anyone out there can help me on my brick wall of finding Christopher’s parents I would be estatic.
Looking at your test results and my group’s test results, we don’t match, Lisa. Which means one of our groups — or both of them! — don’t descend from the Manakin Town Faures. Darn it — there has to be someone out there with a solid paper trail!!!
My grandmother was a Fore. I would like to do a DNA test but can’t find a ‘faure,fore,foree’ group. Where is everyone being tested? I was thinking of FDA or 23andme. FDA has the ford name but not faure. Can anyone advise?
The Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) project for Ford/Fore includes people we believe may be descended from the Faure family — but note that this is only for the direct male line (men who descend in an unbroken male line). There aren’t any projects for women or for autosomal DNA results. And as for the YDNA, we don’t have a documented male-line descendant yet to compare to.
We don’t have Christopher Fords parents, he was born c 1730 and died in Amelia Co., Va. c.1789. Earliest records of Christopher was in York and Charles City Wiliamsburg Va, c 1754 where was part owner of Anthony Hays Cabinetmaking shop. He was also and architect. His descendants were Zachary Daniel, Andrew Jackson, James Robert, and Ida Elizabeth my great grandmother. These descendants lived in Amelia, County, Va., Smith County, Tennessee, and Independence/Stone County Arkansas
Michael, two descendants of Zachary Daniel have tested with FTDNA and there is a match. We are also in FTDNA Family Finder. Check Group 45.
Now if only any of us could prove — or disprove — Manakin Town descent!!
Hi Judy, It’s been 2-1/2 years since I last contacted you, have you found a documented Fore/Ford/Foree with ties to the Faures of Mankintown ? I sure hope so. Also you told me I should have a ydna test done,but I can’t recall where and I’ve lost that e-mail. Help!
I don’t know if you are still interested in this line but I have the connection to Manakintown from Jesse Fore. Please email me if interested
I’m trying to verify Lucy Sterns, my 3rd great-grandmother, was born Lucy Fore/Ford, and wondered if you have have any information on a Lucy Fore. I have done DNA testing with ancestry.com and 23andme, and appear to share DNA with cousins who are related to people earlier in that line.
Thanks so much.
Feel free to contact me directly by email (legalgenealogist (at) gmail.com, using the (at) symbol, of course), with more information about your Lucy so I can see if she matches anyone on whom I have information.
I am actually related to the Faure family from Manikin Town on both sides of my family. At least one side changed names to Ford. Let me know if interested. I am not a paternal decedent on either side.
Unfortunately, what we need is a direct male line descendant, Mark: it has to be father to son to son in an unbroken male line for YDNA to work. No other DNA form will work here because of the timelines involved.
Mark your ancestor and mine were siblings. My ancestor Boaz had a sister that married a Southern.
I may not have information as far back as you would like but. My direct male ancestor was John Ford born in Henrico County VA in 1763. He built a stone house in Grant County Kentucky in 1820 or so. It is still there. His son was named Jesse Ford and his grandson was David Lillard Ford, GGrandson was Jesse Hampton Ford. Those fords went to Kaufman county Texas after the civil war. My Father has had his DNA done and we believe that we are direct from the Fords in Manakin but can not confirm other than John Ford was born in Henrico County in 1763. We would be happy to share DNA if you are interested
Spencer, please check your email, thanks!
I am just now seeing this. My son is a descendant of Daniel Ford (James Daniel Ford)From Daniel to Charles to Marcus Dixon to Ethel to Walter to His dad then our Son. It may not be what you need since Ethel is in the line. I have already done our sons DNA.
Yeah, darn it, that female in there throws the whole thing off. It needs to be a direct male to male to male all the way down.
My husband is your match. Jesse Robert Fore was his great great grandfather. Pretty certain he is a descendant of Archelaus Fore from Manakintown VA.
We need to see the paper trail, Jenni! (We have a lot of “pretty certain” folks but nobody with the paper trail so far.) But it’d be great if your husband was the right one! So check your email for more…
Hi Judy,
(1) We’ve not yet met, but I recently watched an online Rootstech 2017 presentation by you. Thanks so much!
(2) IF the genealogical research I’ve connected my line to is correct, I am a descendant of the Widow Faure who brought her four children to Jamestown VA (1699/1700 on the ship Mary & Ann or Mary Ann, depending on source) & helped found Manakin Town. Just wondering if the Widow Faure & her husband have yet been positively identified? I’ve seen many conflicting hypotheses but nothing which shows any conclusive proof (potentially Mary Ann Chastain & Daniel Isaac Faure, or Ann Tibault, or …). Help! Just wondering what your conclusions are at this point. Do you know of any documentary evidence toward positive identification of the immigrant couple that has come to light so far?
This is my line of descent (striving to compile the documentation linking each generation to each other):
Been too long since I last worked on threads of this line.
8xGgma: Widow Faure (___ Chastain? Tibault?…) & ____
7xGgpa: Pierre Faure (1675-1744/45) & Elizabeth Agee ???
6xGgpa: Peter/Pierre Faure/Fore (1706/19-1780) & Marie Gaudwin
5xGgpa: Joseph Fore/Faure (1744-1835) & Ann Giovidan
4xGgma: Rebecca Fore (1796-1867) & Richard P. Dawson
3xGgpa: Algernon Sidney Dawson (1830-1909) & Elvira America House
2xGgpa: Robert Augustus Dawson (1856-1922) & Arminta Jane Herndon
1xGgma: Maggie Lee Dawson wife of Nickodemus Herndon
gpa: Robert Vernon Herndon
father (living)
Hoping this contact will be a mutual blessing.
I’m afraid I haven’t seen anything definitive yet either, and frankly haven’t spent as much time as I might have checking it until I can be sure that this really is my line. That’s why I keep looking for a male Faure/Fore/Ford candidate who does have a well-documented family history. Sigh…
Judy, I am a male Fore from Virginia and pretty certain of my ancestral link to Manakin town. Unfortunately the burning of the Appomattox Courthouse in 1892 prevented my Aunt from conclusively documenting our direct lineage as well. Back in the 80’s I sometimes assisted her with the genealogical research. She really wanted to get into the Huguenot Society but was unsuccessful due to the gap in supporting documentation. I’d be happy to give you the DNA, but with the break in the vital records I don’t think it would be of much service to you. Best of luck to you…..James
Check your email please!!
Judy I think I’m who you’re looking for.
I am a Ford. Direct line to the Faure line in Virginia.
If your paper trail backs that up, I’d be delighted to pay for a DNA test… Do you have a tree online I can review?
Please email me, I can give you documents that will show a direct paternal line.
I have been trying to do the same thing you are. My brother, Terry Ford, had the DNA test done back in 2016. I think we are connected to the Faures of Manakintown.
Just wondering if you were ever able to get the DNA? Or if anyone has the link back to Manakin Town of John Ford 1763 who built the John Ford Stone House in Dry Ridge KY?
We’re still trying to find a documented back-to-Manakin-Town Faure/Fore/Ford, Spencer. Lots of people believe they (and we) go back to that family, but nobody can prove it yet.
Do you know if there
Were any other Ford families in Henrico Co in the early 1700s?
I haven’t examined that, no.
I recently came across a copy of a book that my great grandfather, Carl Ford had made in 1965 that states we came from Manakin Town settlers in 1700’s.
If you’re still looking, maybe I can make a copy and send?
Only if the book has the sources for that conclusion, Aymee. We all have the family STORY of descent from the Manakin Town Faure family — what I’m looking for is EVIDENCE (wills, land records, family Bible entries and the like).
Okay. No problem. Just thought you might be interested.
I am one of a number of the Ford family living in Louisville, KY. The Fords have been here for several generations and only found out in 1994 that the original name was Faure when an uncle researched our genealogy. We are descendants of Pierre Faure (or Peter Ford). He was one of the founders of Manakin Town. He did not read or write,but signed his name with a tiny “o’ with a tail on it. His name appears on several land transaction and his will as Peter Ford was dated 29 April 1744 and proved in Court In Goochland County, VA 16 April 1745. His son, James Ford, was born in 1708 In Manakin Town in 1708 and died in 1810. He fought with George Washington in the Battle of the Great Meadows.
I have further information if you are still interested.
I am absolutely interested, particularly in seeing the documentation back to Pierre Faure. Check your email.
Hi David, we might be cousins of Sorts. Are you any relation to the John Ford Stone House up near Dry Ridge Kentucky. John Ford, Elija Ford etc… I think we are probably related. I believe I am a descenant from the Widow Faure but cant verify it past the 1790’s where John Ford moved to Kentucky from Goochland and Henrico CO. SpencerFord73@gmail.com
@ David Ford Peason,
My name is Shelly M Ford Heckel, I also live in Louisville, KY and am directly related to Christopher Ford of Williamsburg and later Amelia County VA. His 2 sisters married French Huguenot settler. Dupuy and DeJarnertte. I cannot prove the connection of my Christopher to them other than his sisters marrying into the French H. settlers. Christophers brand was also a Fluhr De Lis. This amount a few other clues leads me to this belief. We don’t know his birth parents or exact birthdate or location. He was a builder. He Married Lucy Lewis whose mother was Mary Waller and Father Zachary Lewis. Anyway I would love to make contact with you. So much information to share. I can be reached directly thru my cell at 502-664-5207 or email. Comforthomes@bellsouth.net
Christopher Ford 1723-1790 Amelia Co. Va.
And this links to you and the Manakin Town Faures how?
Hi. I’m not male but I’m encouraging my father to test. My Faure (Ford) lines go to Jacques (James Ford) who married Ann Bondurant. They have a child Boaz, who had a Boaz, then Charles, then James Fitzgerald Ford, then Gladys Ford Stone, then my grandfather Donald Stone, then my father, and then me. James and his wife Ann settled in the Manakin area.
It’d be great if your father tested — but his DNA can’t work for this. YDNA needs a direct unbroken male line — and your great grandmother Gladys is the line breaker.
She had a brother Charles Alvin Ford. He died in 1952 I believe. He had a son Charles Ford Jr but I haven’t been able to locate them.
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/58124973/charles-alvin-ford this is my great-grandmother’s brother. He had two sons. That part of my family might still be in TN.
Hello I’m a direct great grandson of Archelaus Faure son or Peter or Pierre Faure.
Check your email please!!!
I’m connected to a lot of Maryland Fords originating with Richard Ford (Foard) 1674-1733 of Cecil County. Some them doubtless went west of the Appalachians. Is that of any use?
Only to exclude, I’m afraid. The family I’m looking for didn’t arrive until roughly 1700, directly into Virginia. But thanks for offering!!
Hello Judy,
Have you received any direct links of the Fords back to the Faures of Manakin Town? My Ancestor John Ford built the John Ford stone house in Dry Ridge KY. We have plenty of anecdotal evidence and circumstantial but no direct DNA Link. 1794 John Ford moved from Virginia to Bourbon Co KY. Looking to get further back.