Save your money for a real DNA test

Don't bother
catching this ring
Yes, it is very inexpensive. The full price of this service is $89 but there are special offers and coupons all over the web for as little as $19 or $29 or $39. And yes, the end result of the service is a very attractive set of concentric circles that are reportedly a graphic representation of the results that are unique to you and you alone.
And, the service says, you’ll get a list of the countries where people live whose results in the particular areas examined are closest to yours.
So why am I — a self-confessed DNA junkie — not rushing off to get this test and not urging everyone I know (and those I don’t) to get this test done?
Because, from the standpoint of genealogy, this service is about as handy as a handle on a duck’s rear end.
First off, the service frankly concedes, and I quote, “NO, ConnectMyDNA™ is not an ancestry test.”1 What it does is look at 13 specific places in your DNA and produce what it calls a DNA profile. And those specific locations, according to the Center for Genetics and Society, “are currently regarded to be “junk DNA” sites, home to non-coding genetic materials, which currently are good for nothing but identifying an individual.”2
As the company says on its Facebook page:
Since the DNA Profile does not contain sufficient information about ancestry, ConnectMyDNA™ is not intended as an ancestry test. What it does show is the extent that we as human beings are genetically related which hopefully people that take the ConnectMyDNA™ test can appreciate.3
What the company does after it develops your Profile, it says, is compare it to the profiles of “population groups.”
It will
perform a calculation to determine which population group contains the most similarities with your profile. The population groups are then reported to you. Since this test is not an ancestry test, the population groups with the most similarity to your DNA Profile merely represent an interesting correlation, not an indication of your heritage. We hope this information is of interest to you and that you might be inclined to explore the population groups in terms of areas you find interesting.4
The value of this comparison — which population groups are included, how many samples there are and how significant they are — is hinted at more than specified. The company says: “There are a scientifically significant number of data points in the databases used for ConnectMyDNA™. If more data points were added to a country’s database, it may change the ranking of the country, but not necessarily.”5
In plain English, I read that to mean “we’re not going to tell you how we came up with these country lists and we’re not guaranteeing they’re accurate.” The service goes so far as to concede, on its Facebook page, “ConnectMyDNA will always pick the top 5-10 matches, even if the most appropriate database is not included in the mix.“6
So why does the company say this test is worth anything at all? Because, it says on Facebook, “Most genetic testing involves complicated personal issues regarding biological relationships or genetic disease. The ConnectMyDNA™ test is a way to participate in DNA testing in a way that is hopefully fun and educational.”7
Getting the picture here? This test isn’t useful for genealogy. It isn’t useful for health issues. But hey… it’s FUN, and besides it’s CHEAP, and after all you don’t really want to, well, you know, learn anything about genetic genealogy, right?
The Latin phrase is caveat emptor. It means “let the buyer beware.” If what you want is a pretty graphic to print on a t-shirt (which I’m sure the service will be happy to sell you), go right ahead. If what you’re interested in is information that might someday be of any use to you whatsoever in your genealogical research, save your money.
- “Frequently Asked Questions,” ConnectMyDNA ( : accessed 31 Mar 2012. ↩
- Doug Pet, “How to Use $90? Buy a Gene Ring, or Burn for Warmth?,” Biopolitical Times, posted 8 Dec 2011 ( : accessed 31 Mar 2012). ↩
- ConnectMyDNA Facebook page ( : accessed 31 Mar 2012). ↩
- “Frequently Asked Questions,” ConnectMyDNA ( : accessed 31 Mar 2012. (emphasis added). ↩
- Ibid. ↩
- ConnectMyDNA Facebook page ( : accessed 31 Mar 2012). ↩
- Ibid. ↩
I did an ancestry test which I got as a present, I thought it would b more specific than what the results told me. –
On the website it mentions genealogy and family trees but you do not find out anything about these you find out where your ancesters, millions of years ago came from and where they went. Not exactly what I had in mind to find out, but for some people i guess it is interesting
A lot depends on which ancestry test you took: the deep ancestry will not be all that useful, a YDNA test much more so.
Judy, years later…
Do you know anyone who has done a similar review of DNA Consulting, Inc.? I am witness to a dispute where a group of folks are very excited about the DNA “results” that they are getting from this company that contradict what others are getting from the more reputable companies you mention here, but that support their claimed oral tradition about Native ancestry. I don’t know enough about DNA & genealogy to advise the parties so I’ve been looking for a published review about the company. What’s good about it? What’s not good about it? etc… Thanks. Hope you’re doing well!
I agree with your conclusions about this particular test. However, I would be cautious about all DNA tests offered for genealogical purposes. As Ed noted, his result was not as specific as he had hoped.
Y-DNA tests use a limited number of loci (beads on the ‘string’ of DNA), typically 67 last time I looked, but the number offered keeps increasing. That is only enough to place the individual in a general group (haplotype), which if it turns out to be really common (e.g. about half of European men are R1b), is not very informative.
Forensic and legal DNA tests employ a range of techniques and take great care to ensure samples are not contaminated other people’s DNA. Not surprisingly, these tests are much more expensive than those offered for genealogical purposes.
A DNA test result, even if accurate and specific, tells you nothing if you have no samples compare it to.
This company mentions CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) the DNA database used by the FBI. They are coy about where thier data comes from but suspect it is aggregated data that has been published. I am not sure I would want my DNA to be compared with that of felons 😉
If all the test gave you was the haplogroup, I’d agree with your hesitation. But for genealogical purposes, testing with a reputable company with a good database of tested individuals gives you much more in the usual case. YDNA is very very helpful when compared to that of other persons who have tested. It isn’t the haplogroup that’s particularly useful, it’s the fact that you are (or are not) a match to another person.
Why not? We most likely ALL have felons in our family tree. Personally, I wouldn’t trust any “ancestry DNA” test. DNA is useful for identity and for groupings but it’s not specific to anything. Remember that at the Fourteenth Generation, an individually potentially has a million direct ancestors.
Has anyone ever tried DNA Tribes or DNA Consultants?
I don’t see the genealogical value in either of those, which appear to be more directed to deep ancestry (admixture) analysis.
I bought it and found it to be helpful, with monthly digests (up to 18 pages) on various genetic areas…not always mine. The reporting was difficult to understand, not in % of this or that, but you match ,37 of people living in this area. 23 and me showed the migration…literally…a tiny migration, showing how long L3d1’s stayed before leaving in much later migrations. It gave a list of over 500 people with 6 points of comparison down to 2 points of comparison. the first person I contacted was a 98% match. DNA Tribes did not have much to offer.
FYI, this is not the DNA Tribes test in this post.
I recently did some testing with DNA Consultants. And I’m satisfied with my results.The criticism I read,Were not confirmed.I’ll take a deeper test.The most accurate results for me were DNA Consultants,DNA Tribes SNP Analysis(I sent my Row DataMyOrigins -FTDNA),BGA Analysis from DR.McDonald and GEDMATCH-MDLP K23b.This site contains an article that says the Coders Markers contain information about ancestry.
Yes what a joke. They send you these lab results that you cant understand not unless your a DNA lab tech THEN THEY WANT YOU TO BUY MORE TO GET THE RIGHT RESULTS what A SCAM
This was a great wasste of money and truly misleading, we think and believe DNA to be the blueprint of ourselves. Not a compiliation of what could or could not be the end results of everyone else who tested. How stupid is this?
Sorry you had to learn the hard way about this one.
I totally agree .
Should have read this before purchase. Total scam. Said I was from Namibia. I’m a biochemist and that’s just plain quackery
Sorry you had to learn the hard way.
What do you know about the MFPDNA project? Is it a scam or worth investing in?
I’ve never heard of MFPDNA.
I disagree with this article totally. I took this Connect my dna test and it got my ancestry 100% CORRECT. The test told me the EXACT country where I was born and it was right. I guess people do not believe they may not be who they think they are.
The fact that it got it right is more a reflection on how clear your personal DNA is, not on how good this test is.
@Judy I just saw your response thanks. My dna is not accurate per say, I am a super mix from Guyana, South America and Connect my Dna got all the top countries that I am mixed with, in Africa. Asia, and Europe plus it got correct what my family has always told me about my heritage and pinpointed that I was from Guyana, South America!.My family said I was African, Portuguese, African and Mongoloid Asian plus South Asian and Connect my DNA connected me to every top country, with people similiar to me.
I’m glad you found it useful; most people don’t and won’t.
I certainly look like I’m from the top countries ConnectMyDNA listed. I took an ancestry one that told me I was 96%African only and that made sense with the countries listed from ConnectMyDNA
I was very confused by connectmydna’s website. I was given ten countries when I had taken the test and then a few months later, I checked back and there was some alteration in those countries as well as some that hadn’t previously been mentioned. I am looking to find a more accurate test.
The most accurate test for deep ancestry — generations and generations back — will probably be the new Geno 2.0 from National Geographic, Alonna. For genealogy generally, your best bet is most likely Family Tree DNA, and if you want health info as well then 23andMe.
Thank you for this information. I did the Geno 2.0 test but it did not tell me what I was interested in.
If you’re looking for deep ancestry, Randy, Geno 2.0 is as good as it gets — and the data will only get better over time. For genealogy, you really need to test with either (or both) Family Tree DNA or 23andMe.
I feel like everyone who was truly disappointed didn’t correctly read the description to begin with. I have to give them props for at least putting an innovative product out–even if it’s for pure entertainment. To me it was purely a fun test, and it got me reading articles on population genetics for an hour or two. It was fun to tell people about the weird results I got as a conversation piece, I had a good laugh.
I suspect you didn’t pay full price, Beth… it might not be quite so amusing.
As an African American family research can only go so far and I take DNA testing seriously. I’m very disappointed with ConnectMyDNA. They left much to be desired. Even the ring is difficult to understand and customer service wasn’t helpful. Now I’m on a quest for a reputable company that will layout my ancestral profile. Any recommendations?
If you are looking for genealogical testing, to help find your personal recent-time roots, then the company I personally use for most of my family DNA testing is Family Tree DNA. I have tested with both 23andMe and with AncestryDNA, both of which have excellent science, but have issues that make me less willing to recommend them as a first choice (though I always recommend that you test with as many different companies as you can afford). If what you want is deep ancestry — your African roots — you might also consider the new National Geographic Geno 2.0 project, which is likely to produce more and better info on deep ancestry than anybody else around.
I know this is an older post, but I’m also African American and recommend As in all things, you should do your research as the price is quite a bit more than some of the other tests mentioned, however if you want specific data going back to your African ancestors it is the way to go. Best of luck. is limited to YDNA and mtDNA and does not do autosomal.
Thanks for your article. The deal being offered looked intriguing but glad the truth about it was clarified better here. Thanks for savings me $30!
Glad I could help steer you in the right direction.
For the life of me I can’t understand why so many people are so upset when ConnectMyDNA has flat out in bold print said that they’re test was NOT an ancestry test multiple times and has gone into detail why their test wasn’t an ancestry test. They’ve also mentioned tests like Ancestrybydna and Ancestrydna that are ancestry tests.
What is even more amusing (or maybe unfortunate) is that the company is being 100% honest in how they get their results and where their data comes from. Probably for future legal reasons, I suspect. The funny part is that ALL these ‘geneology’ tests do the same thing! I was reading this blog and was amazed that the author was explaining exactly how these tests work, but seemed to be under the impression that only this one worked that way. lol That is why locations change…they change because more human data is being added by other clients, so your results theoretically get more acurate over time. The same is true of all these companies’ tests. There is no ethnicity inherent in DNA….you have to extrapolate location from current living people’s DNA. The interpretation of data is the problem, since they make claims based on no research. Read the fine print carefully! Many of them were doing the same thing regarding medical claims until that investigation in 2010 (see link below if you are interested); many of them stopped doing the false medical reporting and are sticking to just “geneology”. Genographic is at least a non-profit whose goal is to do research with their data to determine what we can know about anything from all this data (genetic info) that individuals are giving to these companies, and it will all be openly published for the scientific community. The rest are just there to make a profit and to see who can build a larger database (will they allow research scientists open access to this data like Genographic will, or will they charge scientists as well to make even more profit of your genetic material?).
In this pdf the intro paragraph explains the jist…..but of interest is page 100 where an actual geneticist/physician from Chapel Hill gives his input. Genetic tests that claim they can tell your ethnicity, fall into this category of unregulated testing.
Thanks for saving me $30. Sounds like if I am interested in this I should go with Family Tree DNA or 23andMe.
Those are vastly superior to ConnectMyDNA — which is utterly useless for genealogy.
What about Ancestryby DNA? There is currently a groupon for it
That’s not a useful test for genealogy at all. Please read CeCe Moore’s post here on that test — and don’t spend your money there if what you want is genealogical information.
Ugh, sure wish I’d been smart enough to do some research before I bought a ConnectMyDNA Living Social deal! Total scam.
Yeah, well, we all make mistakes. Now pick a GOOD company — Family Tree DNA, 23andMe, or AncestryDNA — and get the test you really want!
What test would you recommend for finding specific regions of decent? I’ve been interested in my family’s heritage mostly because I want to know where I come from. I know with certainty that I have Scott-Irish but I’d like to know if perhaps the Norwegian or Native parts were accurate as well. I just don’t want to waste money on a test that doesn’t tell me what I want to know. It’s funny because I remember my parents wasting their money on this test here a few years ago and questioning their results.
Anthony, the truth is, there just isn’t any test — yet — that will give you a really accurate view of your ancestry the way that you’d like to receive it. I wrote about this some time ago in a post called Mixing it up with admixtures that will help explain why not. This aspect of DNA testing just isn’t soup yet.
Is there a company or agency that can tell from a blood test if my mother smoked (tobacco) while pregnant ?
Certainly not any of the genetic genealogy testing companies, no. You may want to chat with a doctor about this.
I saw these comments too late I guess! I ordered tests for me and wifey, we are both from India and mine came up with Mongolia a #1 and my wife’s as Iranian #1 which made me set out on a late night search for how Mongolians could have ended up just north of the equator near the Indian ocean. Disappointed to say the least!
Darn, Joe. Sorry you got taken.
My experience was more accurate. We had a family historian who had previously researched our heritage. It was consistent with the countries that were identified in his research.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day… Glad your results were better.
I used DNA Tribes for my mom’s DNA test. What a colossal waste of money. The results were impossible to understand and extremely vague. A total scam if you ask me.
Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. I’ve found it most useful to work with testing companies whose customers are largely active genealogists.
Hi Holly – and chance you are on if so, please sign on and see our exciting results! I think your email there may not be working because I got an odd message, so sending messages to a few Hollys with ancestry comments – hope its you. Look forward to hearing from you (if it is you 🙂 Thanks!
I am a volunteer administrator for one surname project, and co-administrator for another surname project with FamilytreeDNA. I believe the Y-DNA test at that company is the very best for genealogy purposes, but it depends on the number of people in the project. One project has only about 20 people in it, therefore there is only one match (but the match goes back to the 1500s), while the other project has over 350 people and we have definite lineages that have allowed us to match up individuals with their correct cousins. By itself, the markers mean little, but when compared with others who have the same markers, and then add the paper trail research, a person can extend or verify their previous knowledge of their family history. The Y-DNA test very often opens up new lines of questions and research,and sometimes debunks traditional family stories.It is a great genealogical tool.
Good points, Mary. Thanks for adding the info.
I think family Tree is somewhat of a scam. I initially paid $300. for an 111 marker Y-DNA test that revealed only a “predicted” haplogroup. From there I was encouraged to buy an SNP package, which confirmed the predicted haplo and placed me a little further on the Y Tree. They then recommended another SNP package which placed me yet a little further. At that point I began to question and was led to believe that further SNP testing would not be necessary if I simply purchased their “Big Y.” The Big Y, I believed, would test to a terminal SNP. But it didn’t, it merely reconfirmed the previous results. So now, almost $1000 later, I still do not have a complete Y test, because they have not yet tested to the terminal SNP. And I still have to purchase another SNP package. Add to this the fact that here is very little online to explain how matches are determined, or how to actually interpret the raw data, and I think it’s just a waste. Look, I didn’t need tests to tell me that my paternal lineage was Welsh and likely R1b, those things I already knew. But as of now, despite Y testing, I really do not too much more.
DNA testing always is done in response to one question and one question only: what do you want to know (and the corollary: what is the information you’re getting from this test going to do for you)? In genealogical terms, that’s focused on what the test can tell us to link us to other family. You may want to rethink what it is you think DNA is going to do for you before either dismissing it as a scam or spending more money for testing.
I feel like people who are upset with the ConnectMyDNA thing are misunderstanding what it is telling you. If you are Asian, and it lists your closest “matches” as being in Europe, it is NOT saying that you are from Europe. It’s saying based on the company’s initial data and data they have compiled since starting out, the people MOST LIKE YOU are in Europe. It’s not a DNA test to test your ancestry, and they clearly state that. It is meant to be a fun activity…a toy for adults. You spend $100 on your kid’s dollhouse – do you expect your kid to be able to live in it? No, it’s just for fun.
Genealogists don’t have the time or money to waste on “fun toys.” And this is an expensive waste-of-time toy.
So the DNA is legitimate?
Yes, it is a legitimate DNA test. Just make sure you get the real deal and not one with a similar name. Log in to Ancestry itself or go to
I am a middle aged female trying to get an idea of what my father’s ancestry is. He is no longer living, and because he was adopted as a child way back in the early 1900’s,there is no way of knowing if he had any half siblings, also I have no siblings. In this case , one of my grown sons took the autosomal dna test, which is supposed to take ” random” parts from some on either/both sides of the family. As long as he didn’t take the Y test that would have covered only his father’s side of the family’s male linage, we thought that something might have shown up in his autosomal test results about my father. Even though my father ( and I) look southern european, we weren’t sure if the 11% percentage of Iberian was my father, but it seems as if it could be. What is your opinion about autosomal dna tests and the maternal father/ grandfather’s dna clue showing up?
I am very much in favor of autosomal tests in circumstances like yours, since they can help you find cousins who may eventually be able to fill in some information about the missing parts of your heritage. I put very little stock in the ethnicity analysis, beyond the continental level (Europe vs. Asia for example, and not England vs. Norway) but even though it’s dicey it can still provide clues or at least a direction to look at (and great cocktail party conversation starters!). Your son’s results are less valuable for this than your own, since you have 50% of your father’s DNA and your son only about 25%, so you should test and test as widely as you can afford. There are three major companies in this field, 23andMe, Family Tree DNA and AncestryDNA, and to have the best chance of connecting with a close cousin you want to test with all three.
We, my brother and I took all of the tests offered by AncestryByDna thinking they were the company Ancestry. They are not….got the results back…the y test was for a 12 marker and they implied when I talked with them, which is when I was ordering the test and not been able to talk to anyone since, they never answer the phone..that it was a test for the 47 markers. Since then my brother has taken the test with FamilyTree in Houston. Got the result back and nothing compare with the test taken by AncestryByDna…like it is two different people. Lesson learn–do research before putting down your money…check out the web site. It seems that everyone doing business in the genealogy category uses similar names…no one stands out as an individual company…they copy each other with similar names so you really do not know who you are dealing with online, just who is legit and who is riding on the coat tails of the real company unless you do a really good security check. I have now found out that AncestryByDna was operating under another name but was forced to close due to bankruptcy I think but opened back up under this new name and is doing great business riding on the coat tail of the legit Company of Ancestry.
I’m sorry you got taken in here. Glad you’re dealing now with legitimate companies: AncestryDNA (from, Family Tree DNA and 23andMe are the way to go in the US.
I have taken 23andme and FTDNA. I ended up finding a distant relative on my father’s side from 23andme. I was completely surprised, but it provided information that I had been searching for decades. My racial makeup surprised me. I am African American and thought I would have more African(62%). I am piecing together my African ancestors migration through slave trade. I have DNA relatives in several countries. Would be nice to trace back to African village.
I wish it were easier to get back to a village, or a tribe, or even a region, Dotty. But it’s really only at broad levels that the ethnicity stuff works well.
I paid for testing from My DNA Connect a few years ago. Today I logged in just to see the results again. They aren’t the same as a few years ago.
ConnectMyDNA is not just useless for genealogy but for everything. It gives absolutely no useable information.
From an ancestry standpoint it is totally off base in my case. My mother’s parents were both born in Sweden and I have a book in Swedish with their ancestry. My father’s parents both were from Newfoundland.
ConnectMyDNA tells me the following about my similarities:
Region 1: Asia
Region 2: Europe
Region 3: Middle East/North Africa
Region 4: Central/South America
Region 5: Africa
I found this test to be utterly useless. I’m a white woman with blue eyes. My results have changed over the course of a year & they are still meaningless. I am solely of western european ancestry (an yes, I understand the nature of this test) & yet this test matches me with Iran, Hungary, Nicaragua, Rwanda & Australia (the last one is probably the most accurate since I am half Welsh/Scottish). I can’t see how this information provides any benefit at all. It’s a ridiculous waste of money.
Yep, that was my take on that test too: a waste of money.
7 years I look at my results again and my dna matches are NOW in South Korea. There is more chance of my gene matches living with space aliens.
What’s a good DNa test for ancestry
For YDNA or mitochondrial DNA, the only company to test with is Family Tree DNA; for autosomal, you can test with Family Tree DNA, 23andMe or AncestryDNA.
I just got the emailed results of my Mitochondrial DNA testing from Family Tree. Im very disappointed because Im abt 60% Native-American, maybe 15% African, 15% Jewish, 9% Irish and Scottish 0.5% Chinese and the rest a mix of who knows what…but my results say Im Armenian, Turkish, Lithuanian and some other nonsense like Im predominantly Norwegian! This is beyond ridiculous. Im from the swamps of the southeastern seaboard and my maternal roots have been there for many, many generations! We all know what we are, whether we want to admit it or not, lol!
MtDNA isn’t very useful for the purpose you’re trying to use it (ethnicity estimates). It’s very powerful in linking you to others who descend from a common female ancestor (your mother’s mother’s mother etc.) in a direct line. But the origins info is generally self-reported so … Use this for other purposes.
Is the home DNA test really real
Not this one, no.
ok so i got groupon offer an had the test done, it came up with what i think was where my distant relatives came from or went a few hundred thousand yrs ago
anyway i plan to try another test just to actually check out where they are now
the test was two for 49$ so not a lot of money
Not a lot of money maybe, but not a lot of reliable information, either.
Would you please recommend a good DNA ancestry test? There are a few on the market. I am adopted and the only information that I have of my birth parents is that my birth mom is Hispanic. Any sort of information I can find about myself will be great. Thank you.
Following the steps outlined in 2015: Most bang for the DNA buck might be a way to go.
Thank you!
This is bogus!
I am a white guy with both sides of my family coming from north Europe (Scandinavia and England)
The returned results say #1 Nicaragua, #2 Kenya, #3 Lithuania, #4 Oman, and Last #5 Australia!
I don’t think so!
I don’t see many whiteys in central America or Kenya.
If it said Argentina, and South Africa maybe…
There’s a reason why I said don’t bother with this test…
This was a total disappointing SCAM. I guess when people see a DNA kit they just assume they will receive countries of origin! The test came back with Iran, Macedonia and Pakistan!!! What??? I at least assumed in Europe that the first would be Poland since my mother is 100% Polish. So the populations in Macedonia shows a similarity to the Polish? Also, while I do have arabic background from Lebanon, Iran is mostly a population there of Persians who are NOT arabic! I guess is more dissapointing then just the waste of money.
It sounds like from everyone else’s results, that the kit arrives, they throw it in the garbage, and then randomly select whatever country pops up in their computer. They should be reported to the Better Business Bureau.
My best girlfriend just told me about ConnectMyDNA. I was interested. But, I always perform my due diligence and ran across this website, among others (including Amazon), where the reviews were grossly negative.
I wanted to tell her about my discoveries. But, thought better of it, as she has already spent her money.
Thanks for sharing. I am investigating the other sites you’ve recommended.
Just found the connect my DNA on living social. Thanks for saying me 30$. I’d like to know what test they used for “who do you think you are program” the results always seem interesting, but I’m very akeprical
The three reputable genetic genealogy testing companies are Family Tree DNA, AncestryDNA and 23andMe.
Thank you for this information. I did the Geno 2.0 test but it did not tell me what I was interested in
Geno 2.0 is really for the purpose of advancing science more than for genealogical research. It’s good at what it does, but what it does isn’t what some people expect or want.
Great information Judy! Thank you. Quick question… my wife is adopted and the only things she’s been given from her adoptive parents is the name of her biological mother, who we believe is now deceased. Do you have any advice on what test (or tests) would best suit her on finding information about her ancestry as well as possible inherited medical disorders? I’m new to the whole DNA testing scene and all the terminology. Thank you again!
Let me suggest that you start with the post DNA testing for adoptees. It’s a little dated (the 23andMe test is a lot more expensive now) but still relevant.
I’m SO confused. I want to do a real ancestry test. I don’t understand the difference between a DNA test and a “Deep Ancestry” test. I also fell for the Living Social deal a few years ago. What’s a legit one? I would like to know what genes or where I come from because I’m a mutt.
There is NO test that is going to be able to give you more than a general picture of where your ancestors were from, many generations ago. That being said, a DNA test such as the one from AncestryDNA can give you a good idea of whether you are European, African or Asian and some basic idea of where on those continents your distant ancestors may have been from. It will also allow you to connect with cousins to work collaboratively with.
If you do AncestryDNA , make sure that you are doing AncestryDNA from and NOT “Ancestry BY DNA” from DNA Diagnostics Center that’s on Living Social or Groupon. Judy or someone else would have to elaborate further, but I believe a “Deep Ancestry” test refers to haplgroup tests that are done with Family Tree DNA/Genographic project, 23andme and Tribecode.
Already covered, Anthony. See That “by” word…
I did not read all of the responses to this post, so forgive any redundancy.
Having received the test results from, I wanted to get a second test to compare the results. I did the “Connect My DNA” test (at the “special” price of $29) and the results weren’t even close. While goes to great effort to break down your DNA test results, Connect My DNA listed mainly two areas of ancestry, Belgium and Iraq. has my ancestry from England, Ireland and Scandinavia (as well as other places), which given my painfully pale complexion, seems appropriate. But Iraq? Allāhu akbar!!!
When I think about it, really has their reputation on the line, which of course doesn’t mean their DNA tests will absolutely be perfect, but lets say they’ve got much more at stake. Stay away from Connect My DNA. Pretty worthless.
I do not know anything about my biological father (parents went the AI route) but know a little about my maternal side. What company/kit would be best for me to find out more about both? Would the Family Finder and Y37 from Family Tree be a good combo or do I even need the Y37 component to learn more? I seriously doubt I’ll ever find my biological father donor to ask health questions, so I’m retying to determine the most bang for the buck. Thanks, and I wish I had read this before losing $30 on connectmydna!
Combining YDNA and autosomal DNA is a good way to proceed, and anyone in any unknown parentage case should do what an adoptee would do. See generally DNA testing for adoptees.
A total waste of money! I’m requesting a refund from Living Social. I’m not stupid, but I can’t figure out what this thing is trying to tell me. Don’t bother with it!
waste of good money!!! Result is a “mumbo-Jumbo” circle with absolutely no meaning (or clear reference)to what it means.
I just got back connectmyDNA results and it gave my absolutely no information about my DNA. It looks like a random country from each of there regions was selected by the computer with no percentages telling me how much percentage of my DNA or if only a trace was found for each of these countries. No useful information. Keep your money and randomly look up five countries to get the same information you will get with ConnetmyDNA.
I was so disappointed in my purchase of this product. I ordered it for my husband for Christmas. It gave a country connection to people who are in that country now, but through our genealogy research, not one relative of his has ever lived there or from there. There is no ancestry information in this kit, so I felt it was very misleading. I wish I could my money back.
The information provided by this test is completely useless. I was given this as a gift for Christmas and was actually very excited to try it. The DNA loci that are screened for have no ancestry or medical significance. Completely useless.
That’s why it’s “A DNA test not to bother with”!
What’s a good DNA test kit that’s not too pricey?
Any of the genetic genealogy companies will do reasonably well. Family Tree DNA’s Family Finder test is on sale right now for $59; AncestryDNA on sale for $79; MyHeritage available at $79; and 23andMe ancestry-only for $99. They all have pluses and minuses; do your research and choose based on what you’re particularly interested in.
So I did a dna test through DNA Consultants and my results came back European and Native American. Than I did test through FTDNA and Ancestry DNA. Both of these test results came back European and 20% African, no native american. Can you tell me which test is most accurate. Why would one test not have African and the other two test do have African
First of all, DNA Consultants is not the best regarded company for genealogically useful testing. Second, the ethnicity estimates are only estimates — not something you can take to the bank. The science is very young and will take a great deal of time before it will reach a point where we can have any real degree of confidence in it. Each company has its own reference populations to which it compares your data and do every set of results will be different.
Sorry, I forgot to ask why the first dna test I took the results were native american, but the last two test were not native american but African.
My wife gave me a ConnectMyDNA test for my birthday. (I’m not into genealogy and don’t really care about it.) The number one country for me is exactly where my family history says it is – Scotland, with Ireland second. They do not profess to predict ancestry, but merely show where your DNA is most prevalent NOW.
For those saying this test is an absolute waste, it mostly is, but I give you something it was good for- a cheap way to tell if my twin sister and I are identical. We both did the test and got back identical results. We were told we were identical at birth in the 80s, but just wanted confirmation.
I wouldn’t even accept it for that — too much wiggle room in the results.