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Once again, the genealogists beat out the lawyers.

Once again, it was a genealogy blog, rather than a strictly law blog, that took the top honors in vote-getting1 in the niche category of the prestigious American Bar Association Journal‘s 2014 Blawg 100 “competition.”

In that niche category, the winner and still champion for the second year in a row — The Legal Genealogist.

2014blawgThis tale began back in November 2013 when I got an email with a return address of — and I almost deleted it. I figured it was a pitch for membership in the ABA and, since I’m not in active law practice any more, and don’t have an active law license, I had my finger on the delete key when I realized it was about something else altogether.

“Congratulations,” it said. “Your blawg has earned a spot in the ABA Journal’s Blawg 100, our 7th annual list of the best in blogs about lawyers and the law.”2

That was definitely cool.

Then I found out about the fan voting part — the fact that voters in each category could choose a blog for the top honors. It was only because you, dear readers, turned out in force that I was saved from the ignominy of losing out to a blog about wills and trusts.

Talk about a sigh of relief… I mean really! If a blog about dead people is gonna win, it should be about dead people and their family history, right?

Then in November 2014 in came the email from the American Bar Association Journal for 2014.

A second nomination. That’s definitely cool.

And you can imagine my joy when I saw that there was a new category for law professors and that the guy who gave me such a run for the money last year was moved to that new category.

I figured 2014 would be a snap.

Until the votes started rolling in…

Now really. I wouldn’t have minded losing to the winner in the Criminal Justice category — a blog I hope many genealogists voted for — Defrosting Cold Cases by cold-case consultant Alice de Sturler. Or to the winner in the Legal Research / Legal Writing category — my own favorite law blog and one I know many genealogists supported — In Custodia Legis, the blog of the Law Library of Congress.

But I did not want to lose to a blog about agriculture law.

And you, dear readers, didn’t let that happen. The announcement came yesterday, and once again The Legal Genealogist came out on top in the niche category.3

As a matter of fact, The Legal Genealogist was the second highest vote-getter of all 100 nominees in all categories, across the board, second only to Top Class Actions, a blog about class action lawsuits.

That blog is described as a kind of searchable database of class action filings and settlements produced by a staff of news writers. I’m one genealogist with a law degree. And you — you, dear readers — you still almost outvoted those guys!!

I’m amazed.

And humbled.

And very very grateful.

Thank you so much!


  1. Or ballot-box-stuffing.
  2. Trust me — I’m as pained by the “blawg” spelling as you are.
  3. Sarah Mui, “Blawg 100 popular vote getters,” ABA Journal online, posted 7 Jan 2014 ( : accessed 7 Jan 2014).