Choosing number 40
Nominations due for National Genealogy Hall of Fame Thirty nine times, the genealogical community has honored one of our best, one that we’ve lost. Thirty nine times, the focus has been on someone who has made contributions to the field of genealogy that were of...
The best deal in genealogy
Legacy Family Tree Webinars sale ends tomorrow It's one of the best deals in genealogy. A total of 2,312 webinars (as of this morning). From 449 speakers. With handouts covering 9,040 pages. Including -- ahem -- 40 from The Legal Genealogist, covering everything from...
Coming up: December 2024-January 2025
Upcoming presentations It's beginning to look a lot like ... the end of the year. Yep, things are winding down a bit for 2024 here at The Legal Genealogist -- and ramping up for 2025. So here's a look at fun stuff coming up on the schedule, and you're invited to come...
They called him Ernst
The end of the story His full name was Benjamin Franklin Ernest Schreiner, that little boy born in 1895. The first and only child of German immigrants, he was born on the fourth of July in Chicago, Illinois,[1. Cook County, Illinois, Return of a Birth, No. 15466,...
Reprise: Of that Thanksgiving past
Pass the gravy, please… Sometime around 5 o’clock this afternoon, in a dining room in northern Virginia, members of The Legal Genealogist‘s family will sit down for what promises to be a fabulous Thanksgiving feast. My brother Fred and his lovely wife Nicole are...
Of money and chances
New terms of use at GEDmatch In the wake of two class-action lawsuits alleging violations of user privacy, the DNA website GEDmatch has announced changes to its terms of use, effective today, that work to address and excuse the specific violations set out in the court...
Veteran’s Day 2024
Honoring those who served In the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918 — one hundred and six years ago today — the guns fell silent. On the battlefields of Europe, where war had raged for more than four years, and throughout the world, those...
Coming up: November-December 2024
Upcoming presentations The Legal Genealogist tries to get a post out right around the first of each month with upcoming events. But The Legal Genealogist was still late this month -- and owes thanks to both the Bucks County Genealogical Society and the Family History...
Coming up: October-November 2024
Upcoming presentations The Legal Genealogist usually tries, hard, to get a post out right around the first of each month with upcoming events. This month The Legal Genealogist is very late with this post. I do however have a really good excuse. I finally got to take...
Year 23… never forget…
23 years ago today. It has been 23 years. That's 276 months. 8,401 days. 201,624 hours. 12,097,440 minutes. 725,846,400 seconds. Enough for a lifetime of memories. Memories that some of us can never forget. Memories that others never got the chance to make. Memories...