Internet Archive loses copyright appeal
Federal court says digital copying is not fair use In a case testing the outer limits of digitization of copyrighted works, a federal appeals in New York has affirmed a trial judge's ruling that Internet Archive infringed the copyright of four publishing houses when...
And so it began…
250 years ago today They met in Philadelphia, at Carpenters' Hall, on a hot September day. Fifty-six men from as far north as New Hampshire and as far south as South Carolina. Lawyers. Farmers. Millers. Merchants. And revolutionaries. Perhaps not at first. Not on that...
The order of things…
A correction Sigh... even proofreading isn't always enough. The words may be right, but the order has to be right too. So let's try one more time for these upcoming events in October: • CORRECTION: Friday, 18 October, 9:50 a.m. EDT: The Virginia Genealogical Society...
Coming up: September-October 2024
Upcoming presentations How is it possible that it's already Labor Day here in the United States? It seems like yesterday it was the Fourth of July and the day before yesterday was New Year's Day and... Tempus fugit, for sure. And then some! So... what's on the...
The inevitability of change
New email system Sigh... The Legal Genealogist doesn't like change any more than anyone else does. However... change is inevitable, especially when an email service decides to stop serving, and so there's a change today in the email system for blog posts. With some...
TL;DR: Ancestry’s TOS update
Nothing to see here! So Ancestry yesterday released yet another set of amendments to the rules of its road. Yawn. Really. There's literally nothing in the changes to raise so much as an eyelash, much less an eyebrow. The changes as outlined by Ancestry itself are...
NARA NYC closing
Records moving to Philadelphia and Kansas City The Legal Genealogist candidly admits to having been really distracted from genealogy news in the past few months. Between the summer institute season and family gatherings and the ordinary affairs of life, I've not paid...
Coming up: August-September 2024
Upcoming presentations Oh, man, is this summer speeding by fast. The last of the summer genealogy institutes (summer camp for family historians!) is already underway this week as the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed) is enthralling lucky students at...
July 4, 2024
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America, WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the...
For Juneteenth, the articles of enslavement
Ancestry’s free news article collection Ancestry is often the company genealogists love to hate. Along with every other subscriber, The Legal Genealogist would note that — sigh — it’s expensive. It’s often unresponsive to concerns. It makes changes to things that...