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Looking down home…

Virginia and North Carolina conferences Long-time readers know that The Legal Genealogist has deep roots in Virginia and North Carolina. My mother's people arrived in the colonial period in southern Maryland and northern Virginia ... and never looked northward. They...

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Coming up: October-November 2023

Upcoming presentations Wait a minute. Wait just a darned minute here. Wasn't it yesterday that the summer was starting? Now the calendar has already flipped into October? The Legal Genealogist thinks time is running by awfully fast... Sigh... So now that we're...

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Tweaks, traits and a paywall

Ancestry's DNA updates Apparently The Legal Genealogist is a risk-taking light-haired morning person who was below average in birth weight and didn't get all four wisdom teeth. Um... no. Although with the grey creeping in my hair isn't quite as dark as it used to be,...

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About that advanced option…

Searching text on David Rumsey maps Yep, readers are right. The Legal Genealogist sent folks off merrily last week to to play with the new feature for finding text on maps.[1. See Judy G. Russell, “Text searching on maps!,” The Legal Genealogist,...

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Text searching on maps! adds text searching It's here it's here it's here it's here. So maybe The Legal Genealogist is a little excited. But it's here! Text searching on DavidRumsey maps! Now, there isn't a genealogist alive who doesn't love maps. And not a genealogist who's...

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Ancestry’s annual rules update 2023

Neither sturm nor drang Yes, it's that time again. Time for Ancestry to update rules of the road -- the terms of use that govern its interaction with its customers and its privacy statement that goes both ways: what users are supposed to do and what Ancestry is...

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... but no consequences The hits keep coming for that part of the genealogical community called investigative genetic genealogy — IGG for short — the use of DNA to identify human remains and solve crimes. A statement posted this past week, on the website of...

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Thank you, David!

Where there's a will... It was 185 years ago yesterday that David Baker died near what was to become Bakersville, the county seat of what is now Mitchell County, North Carolina. It wasn't even Mitchell County then; it had originally been Rowan County,[1. North...

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Year 22… never forget…

22 years ago today. In some ways, it's impossible to believe it's been so many years since that day. In other ways, it seems even more impossible to believe that day wasn't just yesterday. That day. That day, 22 years ago today. That day none of us can forget....

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More to the story

There just has to be... It's not possible for a genealogist to come across a key date in a family history and not want to know more. So too for The Legal Genealogist, looking at a birth 227 years ago tomorrow in a place far across the ocean. Maria Margarethe Storch...

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