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Copyright and the quilt

How far does copyright go? Michael John Neill found a reference online to a quilt made by his aunt, Ruth (Weber) Haase, that was in a museum at Michigan State University. He followed up and found that a cousin had donated the quilt to the Great Lakes Quilt Center at...

Keeping the lights on

Craig R. Scott, CG, is the President of Heritage Books, one of the few independent publishers of genealogical titles left in the United States. This week, Craig celebrated the fact that the Heritage Books Facebook page had reached 1,000 likes — a major milestone...

The commercial conundrum

Dark grey between the black and white Last week, The Legal Genealogist tackled half of reader Lynda Peach’s questions based on the launch of her new blog, The easy half, about Microsoft clip-art. Now for the hard half. “Given that I have...

Copyright, Corbis & terms of use

UPI photos and Corbis Reader Suzanne Smith had her hopes raised by yesterday’s post, “Copyright and the wire photo,” which noted that a very large number of images created by the major wire news services like Associated Press (AP) and United Press International...

Copyright and the wire photo

Next in an occasional series on copyright — the news service Reader and fellow genealogy blogger Michael John Neill, who writes the popular and helpful Genealogy Tip of the Day posts, came across a photograph in a 1942 newspaper on GenealogyBank. The photo was...

Copyright and the pen name

Next in an occasional series on copyright — the nom de plume She writes as Lisa / Smallest Leaf. She always has. But when the time came to branch out beyond her well-known genealogy blogs to a QuickGuide on Croatian Genealogy, she stopped to think. How, she wondered,...