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DNA Day sales for 2017

Save money, do good Next Tuesday, April 25th, is National DNA Day. It commemorates two amazing milestones in human genetic history: the discovery in 1953 of the DNA double helix by Cambridge University scientists James D. Watson and Frances H.C. Crick; and the...

Still not soup

Ethnicity reports are only estimates Here’s a quiz for DNA Sunday: How many people are represented by the DNA results shown below? DNA Result #1: Great Britain 49% Scandinavia 31% Europe East 4% Italy/Greece 4% Europe West 4% Iberian Peninsula 3% European Jewish...

Updated look at GedMatch

Great DNA utility website NOTE: This blog’s recommendation of GEDmatch has been withdrawn due to privacy issues. See “Withdrawing a recommendation,” The Legal Genealogist ( : posted 15 May 2019). Even now, five years after...

February DNA sales

23andMe, Family Tree DNA One for Americans. One for anyone who’s in Salt Lake City in person. Those are this week’s DNA sales. And both are worth a close look. 23andMe Valentine’s Day Sale Apparently for Americans only, 23andMe has launched a...

The dark side of fairy tales

Once upon a time That’s the way all of the fairy tales of The Legal Genealogist’s childhood and youth began. And, at the end, it was always “…and they lived happily ever after.” Except that not all fairy tales had happy endings. The Brothers Grimm...

Term of the day: haplogroup

Term of the day Back on the road: tomorrow sounds the opening bell for the 2017 Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy — and a whole mess of lectures and presentations in five days. But The Legal Genealogist can’t allow her faithful readers to suffer the pangs...

DNA basics for a sound foundation

Building a sturdy genetic genealogy house If we want to build a sturdy house, we have to have a sound foundation. It’s that sound foundation on which everything else is built: the walls, the floors, the roof all depend on having a sound foundation. So when we...

DNA testing for adoptees: 2017

Fish in all the ponds There isn’t a week that goes by that the question doesn’t come in to The Legal Genealogist. “I am adopted,” the question begins. Or, perhaps, “I don’t know who one of my parents is.” And, the question continues, “can DNA testing...

DNA resolutions for 2017

Starting the New Year off right So here we are on the first Sunday — and first day! — of 2017, and it’s time again for The Legal Genealogist to stop for a minute and take stock on the DNA side of genealogy. It’s the perfect time to stop, and...