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A Father’s Day whyne…

No help (yet?) from YDNA This Father’s Day, The Legal Genealogist intends to whyne. No, that’s not a misspelling. You see, the couple in this photo are my paternal great grandparents: my father’s father’s parents. On the left Emma Louisa...

For the next week…

Father’s Day DNA sales One week from today — Sunday, June 20th — it’s Father’s Day in the United States. And you know what that means. Yep: DNA kits are on sale. The following prices are US prices, but many offers may also be available...

Building that mtDNA database

Sister, can you spare…? Can you spare some hard cold cash for the possibility of a major genealogical breakthrough? No guarantees, of course, and maybe we personally won’t live long enough to see it pay off. But the more folks who join The Legal...

DNA at NGS 2021

So… you were busy this past week. You didn’t register in time. You couldn’t quite swing the cost then. Whatever the reason, you missed out on DNA at NGS — the 2021 LIVE! portion of the National Genealogical Society’s 2021 Family History...

FTDNA showing its roots

New survey focuses on core DNA testing Just a few weeks ago, genealogists were a tad concerned by the first survey sent out by the new management team at Family Tree DNA. That survey — the first sent to customers after the company announced in January that it...

Once again, the hands of time

No words needed This is, by far, The Legal Genealogist’s favorite photograph, ever. My mother and her grandchild Hann. First published here in 2015 and worth repeating every chance I can get. Since it’s DNA Sunday, the subtitle can be “my...

DNA Day 2021

And a new law on forensic DNA Today, April 25, is National DNA Day here in the United States. It’s a day to celebrate “the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the discovery of DNA’s double helix in 1953,”1 credited to Cambridge...

Survey says…

… the focus isn’t genealogy … The winds of change are clearly blowing hard at Family Tree DNA after its acquisition earlier this year. The company announced, on January 7, that it had merged with an Australian company, myDNA, and would be led in the...

Limits to the test

Or, in other words, Y not… For once, the answer isn’t “it depends.” The answer to reader Hala’s question is a flat out simple no. The question: “Is Y-DNA testing the most certain for determining if two brothers share the same father??” And the answer...

Nature and nurture

Not just a matter of DNA It is March — celebrated in the United States as Women’s History Month. It is Sunday — when The Legal Genealogist often looks at DNA-related matters. And it is Sunday, the 21st day of March — and that would have been the 95th...