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Extrapolating from those numbers…

How far back might that ancestor be? Reader Geoff Gibson has a great question. He’s done all the DNA tests — the now-defunct National Genographic project, AncestryDNA, 23andMe — and his admixture percentages (his ancestral origin estimates) all...

The challenge of Ann

That “new” fourth great-grandmother March is, of course, Women’s History Month, a celebration of women that began in 1981 with a Congressional request for a Presidential proclamation of a “Women’s History Week” and — by 1995 — had evolved...

Another acquisition

MyHeritage to be acquired by Francisco Partners It seems like it’s the season for it — changes in the genealogy world. Just as a million people around the world signed in for RootsTech Connect 2021 and began playing with new MyHeritage technology to...

DNA at RootsTech Connect 2021

Lots to choose from There will be two big issues for genealogists who want to attend the big virtual RootsTech Connect 2021, this year’s all-free, all-virtual, all-global online event which gets underway this week and runs 25–27 February 2021. One of those issues will...

DNA winds of change

Big changes in the wind at FTDNA, GEDmatch There have been two major developments in the DNA world this week — a change in ownership at Family Tree DNA and a change in direction at GEDmatch. And exactly what either change will mean for the typical DNA...

A gift of family

Thanks to the testers It is the last Sunday of 2020. The last day of this year when The Legal Genealogist looks to the pros, cons, and complications of using DNA as part and parcel of genealogical evidence. And a perfect day to say thank you to all those who’ve...

Before the next sale

A basic test primer So the fall DNA sales are over. The Thanksgiving holiday sales have just wrapped up. And — any day now — we can expect the winter holiday sales to launch if they haven’t already.1 And, before they do, The Legal Genealogist owes...

Black Friday DNA sales

Act fast for these deals There’s a whole host of Black Friday DNA sales going on today and — in some cases –for the next few days. So if you’re even thinking about diving in or adding onto your cousin pool this year, consider these — and...