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Maybe in our genes???

A genetic link to a virus susceptibility? Oy. Just what we needed. If the facts about COVID-19 weren’t bad enough, we now discover some of the risk factors may be in our genes. Yes, indeedy, if you’ve taken a DNA test for genealogy, you too may be able to...

Free webinar: DNA ethics

All day Monday Note: this was supposed to post yesterday. Apologies for the late notice! Legacy Family Tree Webinars is continuing its one-free-webinar-a-day program through the month of May and tomorrow, Monday, May 18th (sigh: today, now, Monday, May 18th), the...

Happy mtDNA Day 2020!

Mother’s Day 2020 Every last one of the people in this photo shares mitochondrial DNA with The Legal Genealogist: Front row (L-R): my aunt Cladyne; my mother Hazel, called Totsy; my grandmother, called Mama Clay; my aunt Carol; my aunt Marianne; and my aunt Trisha....

A tip on TiP

Understanding genetic distances One of the joys of using DNA as a tool for genealogy is having multiple tests available to see relationships in different ways. One of the downsides of using DNA as a tool for genealogy is having multiple tests available to see...

DNA on sale 2020

For DNA Day and more It’s that time of year again, when folks in the DNA testing community look towards National DNA Day — celebrating two of the most important milestones in the history of human genomic research. April 25 — next Saturday — is...

A follow-up note…

On using today’s technology… Almost as soon as The Legal Genealogist pushed “publish” on yesterday’s blog post, in came The Question. “The Question” in capital letters because it’s the one that should have been anticipated and answered…...

DNA in a time of crisis

Name a DNA beneficiary These are tough times, no doubt about it. And so The Legal Genealogist has to raise a tough question: are you ready if the worst happens with respect to any DNA test you’ve taken or where you manage the results? Do you — and your...

A lesson in numbers

…for the DNA folks Anyone who knows The Legal Genealogist knows that the term “utterly-math-averse” applies, in spades. But the lesson we all have to learn, no matter how hard it is to wrap our heads around it, is that we need to play the odds when we’re...

Opportunity knocking

Time on our hands It’s a strange — even eerie — feeling to be waking up without deadlines. No handouts that urgently need to be finished and sent. No PowerPoints to fine tune. No airports to head towards for this week’s trip to or from a...