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On beyond great and grand

More on the great versus grand issue Nearly six years ago, The Legal Genealogist definitively resolved the question of whether the child of a niece of nephew would be a grandniece or grandnephew or a great niece or great nephew. Definitively. Snort. Because the...

Falling off the edge

Figuratively speaking The Legal Genealogist has not fallen off the edge of the world. Well… Maybe… In a way… Figuratively speaking, anyway. January is SLIG season. For those who aren’t familiar with the acronym, it stands for Salt Lake...

From the Roots of a Tree: 2021

The genealogy of a national hero This year, perhaps more than ever, we need to remember. This year — on the 15th of January, 2021 — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would have turned 92 years old. He was born 15 January 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. And those of us...

To enrich, expand and inspire

TIGR registration opens tomorrow The Legal Genealogist descends from a Texan who descends from a Texan who descends from a Texan who descends from a settler in the Republic of Texas. As far as the records go, that’s nearly 180 years of connection with the Lone...

America’s law blog

From America’s law library For many genealogists, their favorite law-related blog is The Legal Genealogist. And for that, I’m most appreciative. But The Legal Genealogist has one more for you to read. The one I read, all the time. It’s...

Rules of my road: 2021

Not legal advice! So many reader questions come in that are beyond what The Legal Genealogist can answer in this blog, because they’re asking for legal advice. Um… that’s not what this blog is all about. Not what this blog can do. It’s...

Happy New Year 2021

And an anniversary here at TLG Nine years ago today, on the first of January 2012, the very first post appeared here at The Legal Genealogist. It explained that: My purpose in writing The Legal Genealogist is, in part, to help folks understand the often arcane and...

The Official TLG 2020 Thank You List

To the hosts and more of 2020 It’s hard to know just how to feel as this crazy crazy year of 2020 draws finally to a close. On one hand, The Legal Genealogist can’t help but glance at the calendar with the usual reaction: It isn’t really already…? How can...

2020 top posts: all time

Atop the all-time leaderboard The Legal Genealogist is wrapping up a ninth year of blogging here as December winds to a close, and in that time has written more than 2,500 posts that have been viewed, in the aggregate, millions of times by roughly 3.75 million people...

2020 top posts

The Legal Genealogist’s top posts for 2020 If anyone had posed the question even an hour ago — what were the top 10 posts at The Legal Genealogist in 2020? — the answer would have been very different. The answer would’ve been: “I have...