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The Official TLG 2019 Thank You List

To the hosts and more of 2019 It isn’t really already…? How can it be…? Seriously…? Can it really be the last day of 2019 — and the decade — already? Already. Looking back, it’s been yet another whirlwind year where I’ve had the chance to meet folks from a...

2019 top posts: all time

Atop the all-time leaderboard The Legal Genealogist is wrapping up an eighth year of blogging here as December winds to a close, and in that time has written more than 2,500 posts that have been viewed, in the aggregate, millions of times by roughly 3.5 million people...

2019 top posts: DNA

Top DNA posts of the year Here we are, in the last days of 2019, and The Legal Genealogist is continuing to take the chance some extra time-off allows, to think back and reflect. It’s now the last Sunday of the year — the last of this decade — and...

2019 top posts: family

Top family posts of the year Here we are, in the last days of 2019, and The Legal Genealogist is continuing to take a chance to think back and reflect. It’s Saturday… the day I usually focus on my family here in the blog. And it’s in the heart of the...

2019 top posts: overall

The overall winners of 2019 Here we are, in the last days of 2019, and — as has been the custom here at The Legal Genealogist in recent years — it’s time once again to take just a moment to think back and reflect. Blog posts here generally fall into...

The returns of the 2019 season

What to do with the returns cash Okay. Let’s all admit it. Come on. Say it out loud and get it over with. Here… The Legal Genealogist will go first: Not everything we got for a holiday gift was a hit. Yep, folks, that soap-on-a-rope just isn’t quite...

One week left

Speak out against USCIS fee hike! Today, December 23, there is just one week to go. One week to speak out. One week to say that a public agency raising fees for public records well beyond the reach of any average citizen is just not acceptable. One week to join The...

From the 18th to …

From Prohibition to DNA to methodology It was a cold bleak sad day 102 years ago today when the United States Senate concurred in amendments passed by the House of Representatives to a measure already passed in the upper chamber. With that final Senate vote on the...

It’s about time…

Soon has finally arrived If memory serves, it was the RootsTech conference in 2013 when Brooke Schreier Ganz stood up in a FamilySearch question-and-answer session and asked the question the first time: “When will the FamilySearch Family Tree allow genealogists to...