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Happy New Year 2024!

Twelve years and counting… Twelve years ago today, on the first of January 2012, the very first post appeared here at The Legal Genealogist. It explained that: My purpose in writing The Legal Genealogist is, in part, to help folks understand the often arcane and...

The Official TLG 2023 Thank You List

To the hosts and more of 2023 Wait just a minute here. Hold on. It isn’t really already…? How can it be…? Seriously…? Can it really be the next to the last day of 2023? Yep. Here we are again, at the end of another busy year, and a time to step up and acknowledge all...

That RootsTech keynote…

By special demand… Recently, on Facebook, friend and genealogical colleague Pat Richley-Erickson recalled hearing a keynote given at the RootsTech conference in 2014. It was by The Legal Genealogist, and entitled Just Three Generations, and Pat and a few others...

The returns of the 2023 season

What to do with the returns cash Okay. Let’s all admit it. Come on. Say it out loud and get it over with. Here… The Legal Genealogist will go first: Not everything we got for a holiday gift was a hit. Yep, folks, that soap-on-a-rope just isn’t quite...

Sixty years ago today

Childhood’s end It was sixty years ago today when childhood ended. At least The Legal Genealogist’s childhood. There may not have been all that much remaining, that bleak day in November 1963. I was, after all, a child who learned to curl up in a ball in...

Veterans Day 2023

Honoring those who served In the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918 — one hundred and five years ago today — the guns fell silent. On the battlefields of Europe, where war had raged for more than four years, and throughout the world, those...

Choosing number 39

Nominations sought for National Genealogy Hall of Fame Thirty eight times, the genealogical community has honored one of our best, one that we’ve lost. Thirty eight times, the focus has been on someone who has made contributions to the field of genealogy that...

Coming up: November-December 2023

Upcoming presentations Frost warnings. Daylight Savings Time ending. Holiday plans. Ulp!! It really is November already! And as the year winds down, The Legal Genealogist takes a deep breath and looks at what’s coming up on the lecture schedule — a lighter...

Living legacy of Dred Scott

Scott descendant to keynote at RootsTech 2024 There’s often reason for a bit of skepticism over the selection of most keynoters at RootsTech, the huge annual genealogy conference in Salt Lake City. It’s often more a matter of celebrity than genealogy or...