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In just six months…

… how life can change… It’s hard to imagine how things could be any more different than they were just six months ago. It was almost exactly six months ago that The Legal Genealogist finally pulled the trigger. And started writing a totally new...

On GivingTuesday 2022…

… consider genealogy… The Legal Genealogist has no idea where the whole GivingTuesday thing began. Yes, even Wikipedia says it got its start in 2012 as “the brainchild of Henry Timms at the 92nd Street Y in New York” with a “co-founding organization,” the...

Giving thanks, 2022 style

Forty-three reasons in particular Thanksgiving has always been The Legal Genealogist‘s favorite holiday. Focusing on — in this order — family, food and football, it’s one of the low-stress holidays even if an occasional feast runs into a glitch with a turkey taking...


“Hi, honey! I’m hoooooome!” Yeah, The Legal Genealogist knows it’s been a looooong time. But moving to another state at the same time as a long-planned-long-delayed vacation-and-conference trip to Australia is happening can really put a crimp...


… barely… The Legal Genealogist is not dead yet. Though the stress of moving is astonishing, I’m holding my head above water. Barely. In any event, this page will stay sporadic at best for another few weeks until I figure out whether I’m...

Year 21… never forget…

21 years later It has been in this house for nearly 21 years. It will come with me to the new house. It will never leave my possession. It will never be far from my thoughts. An old plastic film canister, filled with dust. Dust that was all that remained after that...

Labor Day 2022

First Monday in September The Cleveland Public Library. The University of California at Berkeley. The University of Kentucky. The University of Montana. The University of Texas at Arlington. Columbia University. The Meyer Library of Missouri State University. The...

Coming up: September-October 2022

Upcoming presentations Last month The Legal Genealogist said it’s been a bit crazed around here. Now you know one big reason why: the move to Virginia is coming up fast. But genealogy events proceed apace and, as always, I want to invite you to come along, to...

Moving right along…

Going home… The Legal Genealogist has been, at best, sporadic for some weeks now. There’s a reason for that, and it begins — historically — sometime before 1680. That’s the year when I can document the first of my Virginia ancestors:...

The never-ending story?

Life’s still crazy… Remember when The Legal Genealogist was under the impression that the contractors in the house would be finished last week? You all knew better, didn’t you? Sigh… I should have, too. But nope. Not yet. Soon, I hope, and...