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Just 33 years…

From 1838 to 1870… He came into this world in the very early morning hours on a cold February day 185 years ago today. He left it only a little more than 33 years later. And, in between, there must have been a life of unimaginable difficulty. Johann Nuckel,...

Say their names…

Fan and Ana and Mary and … It’s Black History Month here in the United States, a time for all of us to benefit from learning more about the history, role and contributions of African Americans in this country. A time when “The Library of Congress, National...

Between the lines

Elly, Paul, the censuses… and the divorce… There is no question of the relationship of the couple on the 1930 census. On line 29, he is enumerated as head of the household, and on line 30, she’s enumerated as his wife, and the marital status for each...

The plot thickens…

Elly and the husbands Okay, The Legal Genealogist has had it with Elly. Elly Emma Martha Maria Geissler Nasgowitz Froemke is going to drive me nuts. Elly was one of the older sisters of my paternal grandfather. Fifth child and fourth daughter of Hermann and Emma...

Milestones, 2023

Looking back to 2022, forward to 2023 The very best part of falling headlong into family history research is the stories. Stories in The Legal Genealogist’s family take us back a long way in America on the maternal side and in Germany on the paternal side. Stories...

In just six months…

… how life can change… It’s hard to imagine how things could be any more different than they were just six months ago. It was almost exactly six months ago that The Legal Genealogist finally pulled the trigger. And started writing a totally new...

Not through with ThruLines

… even when they’re frustrating The Legal Genealogist owes readers an apology. Between the June week of the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) and a hard-to-diagnose technical issue with the website, the blog has been really quiet this...

The man holes

The missing fathers on Father’s Day Like every family history researcher, The Legal Genealogist has them. Those “man holes” in the family tree. The places in the branches where a father should be. And on this Father’s Day here in the United States, taking...

DNA favor

I neeeeeed this one The Legal Genealogist has determined that Francis Marion Robertson appears in dozens of family trees on Ancestry. And I Do Need A favor on this one. List him with the right parents and grandparents, wouldja? His mama, Samantha (Battles) Robertson,...