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Constituting Michigan

That first state charter The Legal Genealogist is on the road again. In Grand Rapids, Michigan, to be precise, for tomorrow’s Got Ancestors?! 2017 seminar of the Western Michigan Genealogical Society. We’re going to have a lot of fun tomorrow at the Grand...

Finding the Feds

Sources for federal laws Since this appears to be Resource Week here at The Legal Genealogist, it’s time to review one particular type of resource that comes up time and again: How do we find federal statutes? This came up just recently in a reader question...

Treaty-ing the law

Great online resource Our ancestors certainly were concerned about weights and measures. They used them in their daily lives, and cared deeply if the millers and merchants weighed things properly. So… Did you ever wonder how it came to be that everyone around...

The exceptional elector

One unexpected exception We all know what it took for an ancestor to be eligible to vote. It doesn’t matter if it’s The Legal Genealogist’s southern ancestors, or the ancestors of folks who are here in the Pacific Northwest attending the opening...