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For the Nutmeggers

Some Connecticut gems It’s finally here: the opening day of NERGC — the 2015 New England Regional Genealogical Consortium — at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence. People from all over New England — people with roots back in New England...

Written in the stars

… and in the laws … and the index Okay, so The Legal Genealogist is getting ready to head off to Ohio for the 2015 Ohio Genealogical Society Conference, and you know what that means, right? Yep, once again, I’m poking around in musty old volumes of...

Lone Star law

One-stop shopping for Texas statutes The Legal Genealogist’s Texas-born-and-bred grandmother would have taken one look at yesterday’s snowfall and shaken her head at the idea that her grandchild had to get up at oh-dark-thirty and catch a plane to the Lone...

Playing by the rules

Federal rulemaking So yesterday The Legal Genealogist mentioned some of the major resources for federal legal research that genealogists might need to know. Little minor details, y’know, like the Constitution and the statutes.1 And, almost immediately, reader...

Reprise: Federal law primer

What the law was and is: federal (Note: Updated from an earlier version of this post that originally ran in June 2012.) One thing The Legal Genealogist preaches (to the point where some people are tired of it for pete’s sake already yet) is this: We need to...