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It’s not sharing

It’s theft Yet another case of genealogical theft is being reported in our community. This time, it’s the website GenealogyInTime Magazine reporting that some of its authored, copyrighted content is being reproduced, almost word for word, in the newsletter...

Updated Ancestry terms of use

A few points to ponder Ancestry has updated its terms of use effective September 1 for existing users and August 1 for new users and, while there are no big surprises, there are a few provisions that users should know about and factor into their thinking as they use...

WDYTYA Story: Terms of Use

Broad rights granted in license One of the big buzzes in the genealogical community right now is the ability to create multimedia stories of our families on various websites. Just add a few facts — names, dates, places — upload some family photos and...

Find A Grave terms 2014 style

Next in an occasional series on terms of use So… once more into the breach, dear friends. This is the fourth time The Legal Genealogist has visited the terms of use area of Find A Grave, the huge and hugely-popular website with burial information and photos so...

Terms of use change: Dropbox

Next in an occasional series on terms of use Many genealogists — The Legal Genealogist included — use online storage services to keep backup copies of critical files. There are a lot of these services around, and one of the biggest, with both free storage...

Terms of use: clouding the issue

Word clouds and their limits We’ve all seen them, those word cloud images that seem to be so much fun, and most of us have used them. That’s no surprise. Genealogists tend to be in love with words, and The Legal Genealogist is no exception. There are three...

Terms of use webinar tonight

Tonight: free APG webinar on terms of use One last chance for the procrastinators to register! Tonight, Wednesday, December 11, 2013, at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (8:00 Central, 7:00 Mountain and 6:00 Pacific), The Legal Genealogist is presenting a webinar...