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Just say no

Say, would you mind…? You see it all the time, out here on the internet. It seems perfectly innocent. It’s just a request for help, and helping is something we do here in the genealogical community. It goes like this: I don’t subscribe to...

The Find A Grave sale

The terms of use control The announcement this week that the popular website Find A Grave has been sold to has prompted an outpouring of response from the genealogical community. On one side are the contributors, such as a reader who wrote: “I am a top...

Find A Grave revisited

Updated terms of use In June of last year, all that could be said about terms of use at the popular website Find A Grave was… There weren’t any.1 What a difference a year makes. Because Find A Grave certainly has terms of use now, and they’re causing...

More changes to Facebook’s ToS

Proposed changes “clarify” ad policy Genealogists — like millions and millions of other people — love and use Facebook. And — like millions and millions of other people — we’re not always very careful about how we use Facebook, or how we...

Terms of use: Google Maps & Earth

Use, but don’t change, the maps Like most genealogists, reader Bill Smith is very conscious of the value of maps in his research. But, it occurred to him, there could be issues with using one particular type of map. He wants to use Google Maps to locate small...

FamilySearch: sharing is forever

FamilySearch terms of use It used to be, just a few short weeks ago, that the major emphasis at was the records it digitizes and makes available to its users. You would navigate to the website, and the very first thing you’d see would be the...